Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras con énfasis en Inglés
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Item Novice and expert teachers' Collegiality: Reshaping novice teacher class development.(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2024) Álvarez Ramos , Andrea Carolina; Sosa Londoño, Juan Felipe; Leslie Juliana Lopera Bedoya, Leslie JulianaThis study deepens in the premature experiences of two novice teachers in an English academy, where the principal interest is focus on the interactions of novice teachers and expert teachers, and the influence of these interactions on their professional class development. The research identifies a remarkable gap in collegiality and mentorship between novice and expert teachers, which contributes to feelings of anxiety, isolation, and professional blockage between novices. Thanks to adopt a qualitative approach linked to duo ethnography, the study explores the personal narratives, observations, and reflections of both novice and expert teachers. The findings display that while novice teachers seek guidance and support from their more experienced colleagues, a lack of structured interaction hinders their growth. This study underscores the importance of fostering a supportive and collaborative environment where novice teachers can benefit from the richness of knowledge and experience lived by expert teachers. The research concludes with some recommendations for creating structured mentorship programs and collaborative opportunities to bridge the gap among novice and expert teachers, thus enhancing the overall educational experience and professional development inside the academy.Item Informing Decisions on Language Ability Development Through Assessment e-portfolio in the English Class(Universidad Católica Luis amigó, 2021) Muñoz Palacio, Deicy Carolina; Yepes Lucas, Mayra Alejandra; Bedoya Alvarez , Natalia; Guerrero González , Yully Sofía; Gutiérrez Arango, Karen Valentina; Restrepo Bolívar, Erika MarcelaEste estudio pretende identificar cómo la implementación del E-portafolio informa decisiones sobre el desarrollo de la habilidad lingüística de los estudiantes. El estudio fue desarrollado con 12 estudiantes de séptimo grado en un colegio privado de la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia. Este estudio fue guiado por el enfoque acción-investigación y las técnicas de recolección de datos fueron un cuestionario, una entrevista y análisis de artefactos. Los hallazgos demuestran el valor agregado que el E-portafolio tiene, ya que provee información no solo para el maestro, sino también para el estudiante sobre su progreso en el aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera. Los hallazgos también evidencian la necesidad de generar un cambio en la cultura escolar para hacer conscientes a los estudiantes de la importancia de usar herramientas de evaluación alternativa. Los resultados permiten concluir que a través del e-portafolio, el maestro puede emitir juicios justos, transparentes y válidos sobre el desarrollo de la habilidad lingüística del estudiante en la clase de inglés.Item Enhancing transparency to improve second graders performance in oral assessment in the English class(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2021-11-16) Cano Pabón, Daniela; Zapata Mina, Leidi; Vallejo Rios, Sebastian; Benavides Escobar, Angie; Alvarez Zapata, Yolima; Restrepo Bolivar, ErikaEsta investigación se realizó con estudiantes y padres de familia de segundo grado de una institución educativa en Caucasia (Colombia) con un total de 28 participantes, en el cual se implementó la plataforma Edmodo como estrategia para mejorar la transparencia en las evaluaciones orales de la clase de inglés. Se aplicaron tres diferentes técnicas de recolección de datos: entrevista, cuestionario y observación. Con estas se trató de conocer las percepciones de los participantes acerca del desempeño en las evaluaciones orales en inglés al implementar la plataforma Edmodo como estrategia para incrementar la transparencia en la evaluación. Los resultados proponen que la información de la plataforma por sí sola no tiene gran impacto en la preparación y desempeño de los aprendices; además, que los estudiantes no tuvieron un contacto directo con la plataforma, ya que los padres eran los transmisores de la información. Por lo tanto, se concluye que necesario el compromiso de los padres y estudiantes con el fin de permitir que la transparencia beneficie la preparación y el desempeño de estos últimos en las evaluaciones orales en la clase de inglés.Item Sociocultural factors that cause demotivation for second language learning(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2024-04-26) Zuluaga Gallego, Jhon Alexander; Castrillón Ángel, Edison FerneyThis present research documentary investigates the sociocultural factors that cause demotivation towards learning English in high school students. This qualitative research explores the causes of demotivation in English language learning among second language learners, focusing on sociocultural factors and methodological factors. Twelve empirical studies from diverse international contexts were analyzed, identifying key extrinsic demotivating factors such as inadequate teaching, ethics, environment, lack of technological resources, social attitudes towards language learning, and standardized testing pressures. Testimonies from educators and scholars highlight the multifaceted nature of demotivation and the importance of dynamic and student-centered teaching approaches. The findings suggest the need for comprehensive educational reforms, including creating supportive learning environments, aligning the curriculum with student aspirations, and prioritizing oral communication skills over traditional grammar-focused approaches. By understanding and addressing these demotivating factors, educators can create a more engaging and motivating language learning experience, facilitating learners’ progress toward proficiency in English as a second language.Item Conferencing: Using summative assessment results for formative purposes in the English class(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2021-11-09) Henao Salas, Mayra Alejandra; Garro Flórez, Miny Johana; Montero Pallares, Carmen Cecilia; Puche Mosquera, Yulenis; Restrepo Bolívar, Erika MarcelaEn contextos educativos en los cuales predomina la evaluación sumativa se hace presente la necesidad de incorporar estrategias que apunten a la auto reflexión de los estudiantes, en cuanto a sus debilidades y fortalezas. Es por esto que en este estudio se implementó la conferencia como estrategia de evaluación formativa convirtiendo así los resultados de la evaluación sumativa en formativos en la clase de inglés en una escuela pública del municipio de Itagüí (Colombia). Mediante diferentes técnicas de recolección de datos como el cuestionario, la entrevista y el diario del investigador, este estudio pudo establecer las diferentes perspectivas de los estudiantes acerca del uso de la conferencia y el impacto que este tuvo en el proceso de aprendizaje de esta lengua. Además, este estudio dio a conocer que la conferencia a pesar de ser una estrategia formativa muy bien recibida por los estudiantes, requiere de mucha preparación, tiempo y creatividad por parte del maestro que la desarrolla.Item English conversational clubs as a CDL scenario to promote intercultural students’ narratives.(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2021-06-01) Álvarez Muñoz, Génesis; de la Hoz Cuartas, Darlin Eduardo; Ocampo Gómez, Santiago; Zapata Muñoz, Karol Lizeth; Castrillón Angel, Edison FerneyThis qualitative research aimed to analyze how English conversation clubs as a critical digital literacy scenario promote intercultural student narratives. The discourses of four students from a private university in Medellín were studied through five sessions. Participants completed a semi-structured interview and performed four different focus groups with intercultural topics to be discussed: decolonization, peace and post-conflict, artistic movements, and social progress. The methodology implemented was critical discourse analysis. The data analysis led to the conclusion that English Conversation Clubs with a critical digital literacy approach enhance a critical discourse of the historical, political, economic, and cultural circumstances involved in the context.Item Reading Identity Construction: Teacher Educator’s Influence on Student-Teachersv(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2021-06) Alzate Durango, María Isabel; Herrera Idárraga, María Camila; Abad Olaya, Jose VicenteAbstract This research aimed to determine the influence of language teacher educators’ identity as readers on the construction of student-teachers identity as readers. Taking an ethnographic approach, researchers applied six semi-structured interviews to gather the data for this study; three of them were for teacher educators, and the other three were for student-teachers. To analyze the data, the following categories were used: (1) reading as a transformative skill, (2) reading’s personal and social dimension, (3) teachers as an essential key to having success in promoting reading habits. The findings showed that reading brings many positive contributions to teachers and students because through this tool people can expand their knowledge, learn a second language in a more holistic way, better perceive their environment, and share their ideas. However, in terms of strategies, teachers must look for ways to promote reading not as a mandatory but as a purposeful activity.Item Teacher's role and challenges in pandemic times through a virtual learning environment (classroom)(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2021) Cifuentes Palomino, Maira Alejandra; Zapata Galeano, Milena Andrea; Castillón, Edison FerneyThe investigation was carried out with a qualitative approach and under the case study method, which aimed to know the changes that have occurred in the role of teachers, as well as the main challenges that, in times of pandemic, it brings to them the use of VLE (Virtual Learning Environments) in the development of their work. The results of this work show that the challenges that teachers have faced when implementing remote education, have to do mainly with the evaluation processes, the affective relationships that involve students and teachers, and the adoption of new teaching methodologies. Key words: Remote education, pandemic, COVID-19, Critical Digital Literacy, Virtual Learning Environments, teacher’s role, teaching challenges.Item Pre-service teacher identity construction from a familial coexistence perspective(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2021-06-18) Hachi Morocho, Monica Estefania; Ríos Macias, Gabriel Jaime; Abad Olaya, José VicenteFamilial coexistence issues are a current problem that pre-service teachers might face during their teacher identity construction. Factors such as family coexistence, economy, health, and emotions can lead to struggles in teachers’ personal and professional identity. The construction of identity, nevertheless, is an ongoing process in which teachers can always change their beliefs and, behaviors in order to improve their teaching performance, in light of different aspects such as the social context, the place where they work, and the people who surround them. The project was made using an autobiographical method in which the pre/service teachers lead the investigation and were the participants themselves. Two main conclusions were the difference between cohabitation and coexisting; In addition, the importance of having both parents’ perspectives when making decisions. This document reviews the influence that family has on pre-service teacher identity construction. The factors that familial coexistence bring to the pre-service teachers’ identity construction during the career process and, later on in their professional field.Item Pedagogical english practices through the pandemic(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2021) Parra Mejía, David Alejandro; Castillejo Marín, Simón; Zapata Ospina, Kevin; Zapata Franco, Simón; Peláez, OscarThe COVID-19 pandemic had a great impact on a global scale and one of the fields that caused great change was university education, leading us to education mediated by virtuality, thus changing pedagogical practices and the vision of these practices. In this article we analyze the positions and strategies that 3 of the teachers of the Luis Amigó University adapted to this contingency and the results and analysis obtained through their answers by means of their experiences and discussions.Item Pre-service teacher identity crisis regarding the educational changes generated by remote teaching due to the 2020 pandemic(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2021-06) Fuentes Alvarez, Kelly Yohanna; Arango Gomez, Victor Daniel; Ramirez Guerra, Estefany; González Rueda, Maria Camila; Gómez Vergara, Maria Mercedes; Vicente Abad, JoséThe purpose of this research is to characterize the pedagogical factors that generated a teacher identity crisis pre-service teacher due to the change to remote teaching during the pandemic. Since the educational system has undergone significant changes as a result of the pandemic, in both the curriculum and the physical structure, teachers must adjust the way they teach now that they are facing important factors that influence their pedagogical and methodological decisions. This qualitative study conformed to the interpretative approach; data collection entailed an interview to 4 pre-service teachers of the English teaching program at Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, in Medellín. Researchers confirmed that new challenges arose in regard to both school dynamics and classroom management; although the education system implemented remote teaching as a temporary solution, teachers had to drastically adapt their lessons and methodologies. Pre-service teachers experienced difficulties regarding their teacher identity and the management of groups and parents under this new modality.Item Critical digital literacy strategies for the promotion of reading comprehension in the classrooms(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2021-06) Moreno Cárdenas, Yaneth Catalina; Rios Henao, Cindy Daniela; Puerta Uribe, Verónica Yulieth; Castrillón Ángel, Edison FerneyThe purpose of this research is to determine which are the critical digital literacy strategies used by teachers of the foreign language program of a private university, to promote critical reading comprehension competence in their students when carrying out and putting into practice different activities that integrate the use of technology, and to determine whether these activities allow students to develop reading comprehension skills through critical digital literacy or not. From there, we aim to recognize if educators are trained to face this new phase of a digitized education, if their critical digital literacy strategies developed in class are effective for the promotion of critical and reflective students, capable of investigating and sharing different opinions when they are exploring digital texts. Through this research it is intended to present others carried out by different academics who have knowledge in the research in question, in order to have theoretical support related to reading comprehension, critical digital literacy and the different strategies used in their promotion. In which we found that professors need to learn more about digital literacy and that they all implement different strategies to improve students’ reading comprehension skills.Item Alternative discourses and B-learning during pandemic season(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2021) Verbel Montes, Danna Sofia; Bran Tamayo, Victor Manuel; Ruiz Ramos, Juan Pablo; Pelaéz Henao, Oscar AlbertoThis research intents to analyze what alternatives discourses are being used by teachers in B-learning during covid-19 pandemic. To develop this research two teachers from Departamento de Idiomas de la Universidad Católica Luis Amigó were selected. To collect data the semi-structure interview was used. The intention was to recognize new strategies, methods or approaches related to alternative discourses, that they are considering to use in their virtual classrooms, and probably will be used in physical classrooms, to improve the learning of English as a communicative tool rather than an instrumentalized tool to become competitive in the world. The data analysis led to the conclusion that teachers are aware of what alternative discourses are and what they can be applied in their classrooms. As researchers in formation we learned a lot and many questions arose for future studies.Item Teachers´ voices regarding language polices(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2021-05) Zuluaga Muñoz , Daniela Estefanía; Giraldo Posada, Estefanía; Cano Sabas , Isabella; Peláez H, Oscar AThe Colombia Government has implemented the use of English as a compulsory language in the nation, as a standardized language needed for all citizens in order to be competitive and competent (Colombia MEN 2005) and insert human capital into the big puzzle called economy. From this premise we want to know what is the relation between language policy and teachers’ voices in an educational institution in Medellín. This research study aimed at analyzing the teachers' voices of two pre-service teachers and two in-service teachers in a private and bilingual institution located in commune four Aranjuez. This qualitative and narrative research was carried out during three months to analyze non-numerical data in order to understand concepts, opinions, experiences, thoughts, beliefs and perceptions of participants in relation to teaching English as a foreign language in early ages, according to what national and local languages policies propose. Interviews and observations were made; both techniques had an extrinsic relationship with the theoretical framework of this research: pedagogical practices, political subject and teachers’ voices. The findings showed two categories: 1: Globalization influences pedagogical practices of teacher’ voices. 2: Teachers are policy makers. The data analysis gave as a preliminary conclusion: Teaching a foreign language involves taking into account context and students characteristics, in order to provide meaningful and real content. And finally, globalization permeates teachers' voices and his/her pedagogical practices.Item Control of Emotions in Language Teacher Identity Construction(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2021) Betancur Escobar, Sara María; Altamiranda Ubaldo , Andres Felipe; Abad Olaya, José VicenteThis paper aimed to determine how pre-service language teacher’s emotions influence the construction of their teaching identity. Specifically, this research project sought to register strategies used by these teachers to control their emotions in relation to their teaching practice. To develop this research, researchers selected four pre-service language teachers from Universidad Católica Luis Amigó (Medellín). To collect the necessary data, two instruments were used: A problem tree which was developed through (Jamboard, 2021) in order to record strategies and deficiencies regarding pre-service teachers’ ability to manage their emotions; and a focus group, which was mediated through (Meet, 2021) to record challenging teaching experiences participants had and how they overcame them. The data point to the three main conclusions (1) pre-service language teacher’ emotions can change easily during the practicum process; (2) teaching experiences are highly influenced by teacher’s context and beliefs; and (3) interacting with other people is one of the best strategies to control negative emotions in the classroom.Item Emotional self-awareness(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2021) Arango Amaya , Santiago; Gómez Ramírez , Valentina; Quintana Múnera , Angie Melissa; Abad Olaya , Jose VicenteTeachers throughout their training and practice process have been faced with the construction of their teacher identity, which has been influenced by different factors such as social, educational, personal, and professional factors. In this process of constructing the teacher identity, emotional intelligence has played an important role in terms of making decisions when facing constraints in daily professional practice. In the process of building the identity of the teacher, emotional self-awareness plays an important role because that is when the need or having this kind of awareness is seen to create awareness that it is important to know, as teachers, their own emotions which allow an ongoing process for a construction of teacher identity. In this research, a categorical matrix was developed that made it possible to propose categories related to the recognition of emotions, their management and the teaching identity, which allowed the design of specific questions for the collection of data referring to the awareness of emotions by the teachers interviewed. The analysis of these data yielded important information regarding the conception that teachers have of emotions and their management in the formation of their identity, which represents an important field to be known in education.Item The connections between the use of virtual learning objects and the development of social skills(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2020) Álvarez Bedoya, Laura Isabel; Arbeláez Portillo, Luisa Fernanda; Loaiza López, Sergio Andrés; Velez Ceballos, Sara; Arboleda González, Gloria LuciaThis paper intends to analyze the existing literature regarding the use of virtual learning objects to foster social skills in learning scenarios. To reaching this main objective, three steps are followed: a) Review the existing literature regarding the use of VLOs in learning scenarios aiming at social interactions and skills, b) Connect the use of virtual learning objects in learning scenarios, as is mentioned in the literature, to the possible development of social skills, c) and evaluate the existing information about the relation between virtual learning objects and social skills. The research will be conducted using the literature review method.Item Language policy: a literature review from language appropriation(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2020) Araque Jaramillo, Yesenia; Gallego Isaza, Jeisson Fernando; Peláez Henao, Oscar AlbertoThis literature review aims to identify different scenarios in which language policy has taken place as the representation of power at different levels, which push teachers to understand these dynamics and how throughout language policy appropriation may be narrated that missing voice that acknowledges contextual characteristics when it comes to language teaching, language learning around the national territory from a bottom up perspective. This paper took as a literature basis undergraduate studies of English teaching degree from Catholic University Luis Amigó, besides the most recent national published studies that have given important contribution on the field, then a contrast with recent newspapers, press articles about language policy to build up a narrative of: Language policy, language policy appropriation, power, various discourses, language teaching, language learning. The data analysis gave as a conclusion how teachers as the representative of the local community are in need to understand the different levels of power, so to have a critical ability to interpret, deconstruct and shape language policy discourses that favors or have wider impact on communities within their needs.Item Colombian: History, politics and Language(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2020) Sanchez Alarcòn, Sergio; Buyucuè Tobòn, Juan Esteban; Suescun Giraldo, Claudia MarcelaThis article analyzes how Colombian political history can help develop strategies for reading and writing skills for English classes in young students from public High Schools in the country. Analyzes how these events can be decisive and relevant at the moment of giving personal opinions and making a critical reflection of the History of a country. This paper highlights the importance of recognizing history as a fundamental part of learning, through specific events that have been relevant in Colombian history and highlights the importance of using EFL as a medium to communicate through this analysis, evidencing the role that plays students and their reflection through the Academy.Item Teachers’ language policies appropriation in the process of building peace in the classroom(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2020) Chica Franco, Camila; Gutiérrez Carmona, Isabel; Taborda Espinal, Juan David; Londoño Cossio, Luis Fernando; Peláez Henao, OscarThis study aimed at identifying the in-service teachers’ perspectives and actions towards the language policy appropriation for its implementation inside the classroom to respond to the necessity of peace construction through their pedagogical practices. The study was carried out by following the literature review structure. For the process of data collection, documents, articles, and magazines were selected as most suitable for this research. The findings showed three topics: 1: The relation of globalization processes with the disconnection among policy makers, the context and the school actors, hence the increment of inequality and decrement of access to education is reflected. 2: Teachers play an important role in transforming policies into the context to meet the students and context priorities. 3: Teaching practices should emphasize in the creation of peaceful environments. This research allowed us to have a better understanding of the aspects that influence or affect the peace building process through the teaching and learning of English. In this case, the globalization processes focusing the learning of the language on economic purposes; the important performance teachers have to play to give meaningful purposes to education; finally, how education becomes an important aspect when talking about processes of peace.
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