Teachers´ voices regarding language polices


The Colombia Government has implemented the use of English as a compulsory language in the nation, as a standardized language needed for all citizens in order to be competitive and competent (Colombia MEN 2005) and insert human capital into the big puzzle called economy. From this premise we want to know what is the relation between language policy and teachers’ voices in an educational institution in Medellín. This research study aimed at analyzing the teachers' voices of two pre-service teachers and two in-service teachers in a private and bilingual institution located in commune four Aranjuez. This qualitative and narrative research was carried out during three months to analyze non-numerical data in order to understand concepts, opinions, experiences, thoughts, beliefs and perceptions of participants in relation to teaching English as a foreign language in early ages, according to what national and local languages policies propose. Interviews and observations were made; both techniques had an extrinsic relationship with the theoretical framework of this research: pedagogical practices, political subject and teachers’ voices. The findings showed two categories: 1: Globalization influences pedagogical practices of teacher’ voices. 2: Teachers are policy makers. The data analysis gave as a preliminary conclusion: Teaching a foreign language involves taking into account context and students characteristics, in order to provide meaningful and real content. And finally, globalization permeates teachers' voices and his/her pedagogical practices.



Language policies, Pedagogical practices, Political subject, Teachers’ voices
