Control of Emotions in Language Teacher Identity Construction

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Universidad Católica Luis Amigó


This paper aimed to determine how pre-service language teacher’s emotions influence the construction of their teaching identity. Specifically, this research project sought to register strategies used by these teachers to control their emotions in relation to their teaching practice. To develop this research, researchers selected four pre-service language teachers from Universidad Católica Luis Amigó (Medellín). To collect the necessary data, two instruments were used: A problem tree which was developed through (Jamboard, 2021) in order to record strategies and deficiencies regarding pre-service teachers’ ability to manage their emotions; and a focus group, which was mediated through (Meet, 2021) to record challenging teaching experiences participants had and how they overcame them. The data point to the three main conclusions (1) pre-service language teacher’ emotions can change easily during the practicum process; (2) teaching experiences are highly influenced by teacher’s context and beliefs; and (3) interacting with other people is one of the best strategies to control negative emotions in the classroom.



teacher identity,, emotions,, context, beliefs
