Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras con énfasis en Inglés RE (Colección Restringida)
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Item Extensive reading to foster enjoyment and critical thinking in the EFL classroom(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2023-05) Martínez Jaramillo, Daniela; Gónzalez Pantoja, Jose Fernando; Johnson James, Gisseth Alicia; Suescún Giraldo, Claudia MarcelaThe lack of motivation and engagement of 10º grade students in English class pose a significant challenge in fostering a meaningful learning environment. Many students find lessons uninteresting, they struggle with understanding the language and show little willingness to participate. Furthermore, reading activities are often superficial and not prioritized, contributing to a disengaged learning experience. This qualitative study, framed within an action research methodology, aims to explore strategies for enhancing students engagement and promoting critical thinking through extensive reading (ER) practices in the EFL (English as a Foreign Language) classroom. Data collected through classroom observations, surveys, interviews, and reflective journals to identify approaches that foster deeper engagement, and learning outcomes. The findings revealed that the proper development and application of extensive reading have influenced participants' enjoyment and critical thinking. Besides, there are some constraints to consider when applying this reading strategy because they have an important role in the reading process. Finally the study offers practical recommendations for teachers and pre-services teachers seeking to cultivate a reading culture inside the EFL classroom, promoting students critical thinking and engagement with the use of different materials and strategies that connect to their own experiences and realities, making a meaningful learning environment.Item Teaching through movement: Gestures and teachers’ confidence(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2024-11) Barrera Gómez, Valeria; Suaza Largo, Tomás; Grajales Velázquez, Diego Alejandro; Suescún Giraldo, Claudia MarcelaReconociendo que la comunicación no verbal constituye una porción significativa de las interacciones interpersonales, esta investigación enfatizó el papel de los gestos intencionales para mejorar la claridad de la comunicación y la efectividad de la enseñanza. A través de un análisis cualitativo con herramientas variadas y semiestructuradas realizado en diversos contextos educativos incluyendo instituciones académicas privadas de Medellín, Antioquia. Los hallazgos apuntan a varios elementos que tienen un impacto significativo en los resultados de la enseñanza, frente a los métodos tradicionales de enseñanza sugiriendo que la clave para una enseñanza efectiva podría estar relacionada con la personalidad física y la identidad del profesor durante sus interacciones con los estudiantes. Esta investigación abordó un vacío notable en la literatura con respecto a la posible relación entre la comunicación no verbal, específicamente los gestos y su impacto directo en la confianza de un profesor, particularmente en el contexto colombiano. El objetivo de esta investigación es animar a los futuros educadores a utilizar los gestos y analizar su lenguaje corporal en sus prácticas pedagógicas.Item Pre-service teachers facing inclusion in the classroom(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2024) Arias Ciro, Dianelly; Valencia Sánchez, Leandro; Sepúlveda González, Gabriel; Suescún Giraldo, Claudia MarcelaEn la actualidad, la promoción de la educación inclusiva se ha convertido en un factor importante para garantizar el acceso de todos a la educación, principalmente el de las personas con necesidades educativas especiales (NEE). Este trabajo pretende analizar cómo los docentes en formación caracterizan su práctica y desempeño en la sociedad a través de una investigación co-etnográfica, dados los desafíos que presenta la educación. Los resultados de este estudio destacaron aspectos relevantes que afectan al desempeño de los docentes en proceso de formación, que han enfrentado no solo dificultades, sino también actitudes positivas frente a la educación inclusiva. Este estudio contribuyó a construir el concepto de preparación que tienen los docentes en formación sobre la enseñanza en aulas inclusivas y, además, identificó experiencias que les llevan a ser conscientes de ello.Item Decolonial narratives as a critical pedagogy practice in EFL students(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2024) Zapata Velásquez, Sara Sofía; Pulgarín Gómez, Yuliana Katerine; Rodríguez Cortés, Jose Luis; Arias Guisao, Juan Felipe; Castrillón Ángel, Edison FerneyThis paper reflects upon the construction of narratives presented by students of 10th grade from a public institution in the EFL classroom in Colombia. This study was developed using an Action Research method and a sociocritical paradigm to encourage continuous constructions of decolonial narratives among the students. Furthermore, the exploration of narratives shows various significance from economic, social, and cultural perspectives about the role of the language in their context and the influence on their future that stems from their socio-cultural contexts that see English as the only way to success. Finally, the importance of a critical pedagogy approach to critique the reproduction of colonial narratives to develop a broader understanding of English learning.Item What if we do not think this is how assessment should look like? A co-constructed Autoethnography(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2024) Benítez Ortiz, José Sebastián; Jiménez González, Deisy Carolina; Londoño David, Paula Alejandra; Hernández Avendaño, Simón; Lopera Bedoya, Leslie JulianaThis study explores the implications of school assessment’s demands on our teachers’ beliefs and principles regarding assessment, during our practicum experiences, in three public schools in Medellin, Colombia. In that scenario, we experienced our first conflicts with the predominant language assessment dynamics we encountered when assessing high school students causing discomfort regarding the school's assessment practices. From that discomfort, this research emerged as a way to make sense of our experiences and analyze how our beliefs, principles, and practices evolved due to the practicum experience. The study followed a co-constructed autoethnography method where data was collected through document analysis of the SIEE and interviews with the cooperating teachers aiming to describe the school’s assessment demands; narratives to identify our beliefs and principles about assessment; and collaborative witnessing to outline our assessment practices. The gathered information revealed that initially, we identified our beliefs and principles; then, we maintained them, and finally, we strengthened them. In terms of our assessment practices, we coped with the assessment demands, then, we adapted our assessment practices, and ultimately, we attempted to innovate them. It is important to highlight that not all of us maintained assessment beliefs and principles or innovated assessment practices.Item Tiny Talks: A Possibility to Re-signify Teaching and Learning Spaces. A Co-constructed Autoethnography.(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2024-05) Vargas Rendón, Valeria; Posada Rendón, Christian León; López Quiñones, Mateo; Núñez Tejada, Elizabeth; Lopera Bedoya, Leslie JulianaThis co-constructed autoethnography study aims to expose the way Tiny Talks create a collaborative sensemaking scenario of our teaching performance as pre-service English teachers from the pedagogic and didactic theories, since we could evidence that there were not spaces where to express situations that could exceed us in our practicum, and a disconnection between the practical knowledge required in the practicum and the theoretical knowledge received in the classes of the Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Languages in a private university in Medellín. We as participants exposed our beliefs regarding pedagogic and didactic theories in a written narrative; were part of the development of nine Tiny Talks; and we were willing to be observed in our classes twice in the process of data collection just after conducting the Tiny Talks for evidencing the changes in our teaching performance. This process leads us to conclude that Tiny Talks brings us moments such as a relief space, space for knowledge generation, and a collaborative space that allow us not only to express concerns but also to strengthen strategies and beliefs in terms of the educational world.Item Hands-on projects as a kinesthetic strategy to foster English acquisition.(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2024) Vélez Ortiz, Evelyn Saray; Gutiérrez Bello, Luz Gineth; Lagos Londoño, Juan Sebastián; Monsalve Peña, Ana Sofía; Castrillón Ángel , Edison FerneyIn many countries of the world, the concept of Neurodiverse has gained more significance over the years. Therefore, this research was applied in a private institution in Medellín, Colombia, for sixth/seventh graders with neurodiversity because it is a context that is involved with the process of students with educational needs. However, the institution still tries to train teachers to apply the appropriate strategies to address this issue. The purpose was to describe the results of a hands-on project as a kinesthetic strategy in vocabulary acquisition in neurodiverse English learners. This research follows an action research method. To recollect the data, a semi-structured interview with open questions and journals was developed for lesson planning and to reflect classroom development and focus groups, which included open questions. This research found that contextualized learning, kinesthetic strategies, and learning styles are important in the English learning process. This study concluded that external factors (social, family, and school context) and internal factors (diagnosis and learning styles)affect students' learning process regarding participation, demotivation, scores, and social interaction, which can affect students' performance. Moreover, hands-on projects as kinesthetic strategies can foster the acquisition of English as a foreign language by accommodating diverse learning styles.Item Three Stories, Three Perspectives: Are We Afraid of Being English Teachers? Co-Constructed Autoethnography(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2024-05) Porras Ochoa, Juan Esteban; Medina García, Ingred Marie; Osorno Saldarriaga, Yuliana; Lopera Bedoya, Leslie JulianaThis Co-Constructive Autoethnography research aimed at analyzing the way pre-service English teachers’ language proficiency influences their classroom management skills in the English teaching practice in a private and public school in Medellin. We, three pre-service English teachers, took the role of researchers and subjects of analysis. To carry out this research, we collected information through collaborative witnessing, observations as checklists and journals, and document analysis to identify our perceptions about our language proficiency, classroom management strategies, and students' responses, and reflect upon our classroom management skills and the actions taken to create an environment that leads to learning respectively. This data collection process was done during two semesters of practicum in two different schools. In light of our research, language proficiency, and classroom management are parallel and work together to have a successful English class avoiding frustration, fears, and anxiety. We recommend that as teachers evaluate self-efficacy to evolve in the mastery of our own language and classroom management.Item Influence of English conversational clubs on speech anxiety(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2024) Bohorquez Jimenez, Francy Dayana; Díaz Yepes, Nayelis Judith; Pupo Acosta, Yesmin Adriana; Jaramillo Garcia, Ginna Andrea; Catrillón Ángel, Edison FerneyThis research described how English conversational clubs affect speech anxiety in eleventh-grade EFL students of a public school in Medellín. This was a qualitative research focused on a case study. The sample included six eleventh-grade students from a public school in Medellín, Antioquia. Data was collected using conversation clubs, interviews, and focus groups. The results showed that the manifestation of anxiety in EFL learners can be a negative factor in their learning process. However, when the topic of the conversation is of interest to them, students tend to do better in the language. Also, using different methods and activities to practice the language can help reduce anxiety and improve their English proficiency. The study recommends that English teachers seek strategies and implement activities to promote students' speech development by creating a comfortable and stress-free environment using strategies.Item Use of padlet as a critical digital literacy practice to promote english writing interaction with preservice teachers(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2021) Mosquera Andrade, Yuseth Dayan; Castrillon Angel , Edison FerneyThis research is a descriptive case study, which seeks to identify how the use of Padlet as a Critical Digital Literacy practice can promote English writing interaction with preservice teachers; since by COVID 19 made the classes virtual. Therefore, this study refers to the use of the Padlet with the students in formation of the Universidad Catolica Luis Amigó in their pedagogical classes via their students, allowing to know if this application is a useful tool for this critical development towards students.Item The influence that linguistic discrimination has on the islander student’s teacher identity construction(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2021-05-22) Smith Ortiz, Ginaysha; Martinez Kelly, Maisha Maishell; Vicente Abad, JoseFrom the beginning of their teaching careers, student-teachers experience changes in their identities, which develop through their educational process as they start assuming more responsibilities and positions as actual teachers in their study program and practicums. This investigation supplies details on how linguistic discrimination influences student teacher identity construction. The study took place in Universidad Católica Luis Amigó. This research project sheds light on the manifestations and causes of linguistic discrimination against islander student teachers and its impact on their teaching identity. Narrative inquiry was employed as a methodology. Data collection was carried out virtually through narratives and interviews. At the end of the research, we concluded that linguistic discrimination upon native Colombian student teachers happens unconsciously and can influence both in positive and negative ways their teaching identity construction. We offer some recommendations on how to manage this situation.Item Adaptation of Venezuelan students in publics school in Medellín(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2021-06-07) Vélez Suárez, Susana; Pelaez, OscarCurrently in Colombia, the arrival people from Venezuela, especially the youth, has been very controversial, because of many factors surrounding them, such as: adaptation to culture, the acquisition of English for students in schools, getting a job, among others. The most important thing about all this, is the influence on the adaptation that Venezuelan emigrants have had a great impact on themselves, since the knowledge that they are having about how to learn English, since this is an opportunity that the teacher is giving them, that the teacher uses to establish an excellent environment, that he makes himself understood by his students in a social context. Education today has been very strict because of the situation in adapting in schools as it plays an important role in being able to encourage students to interact with their peers, with the teacher Speaking of Venezuelan migrant students, many questions have been asked about how their adaptation will influence due to the factors mentioned above. It is understood that it has been a very difficult process to adapt to culture, to integrate more, these students come to have very deep thoughts about how they will be educated, how their lifestyle can change being in Medellin. On the academic side, it can be understood that; it allows the student to express his feelings and the experience he has had in education in his country, and the education he has here in Colombia. Education in public schools is understood as an interest in study, compressions, student grants that they are interested in studying, giving them an opportunity to learn in different public spaces, such as; team sports, libraries etc. Training students as educators. In this research, I understood that migrant students are able to interact, to appreciate the Colombian culture with different strategies, methods, and techniques that can be developed in the classroom considering the Venezuelan education that they have had in their country.Item Génesis del maestro investigador en los semilleros de investigación(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2020) Acevedo Tangarife, Isabel Cristina; Martínez Cano, Tomás; Regalado Chicaiza, Jennifer Daniela; Abad Olaya, José VicenteEn un momento en que la formación en investigación ya no es una opción, sino un requisito legal para los programas de educación en Colombia, es preponderante evaluar la contribución de los semilleros de investigación a la formación de nuevos maestros investigadores. Para aportar a tal objetivo, se realizó el proyecto Génesis del Maestro Investigador en los Semilleros de Investigación. Este manuscrito corresponde a la sistematización de la experiencia de los estudiantes como auxiliares de investigación bajo la guía del investigador principal. El proyecto se centra en analizar la relación pedagógica entre los coordinadores de semillero de investigación y los estudiantes. La recopilación de datos incluyó entrevistas semiestructuradas con cuatro coordinadores y dos grupos focales con ocho estudiantes, todos ellos pertenecientes a semilleros de investigación del programa de licenciatura de inglés de la Universidad Católica Luis Amigó. Para finalizar, los investigadores llegan a una serie de conclusiones relacionadas con la naturaleza de los semilleros de investigación, la relación de mentoría que estos promueven y el papel que desempeñan en la preparación de nuevos maestros investigadores.Item Familial coexistence issues in pre-service teachers identity construction(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2020) Arango Patiño, Maria Isabel; Marín Herrón, Maria Alejandra; Saavedra Castaño, Paula Alejandra; Alvarez Castaño, Eliana Lizeth; Sánchez Pabón, Laura Fernanda; Abad Olaya, Jose VicenteThis research project is aimed to know the influence of familial coexistence issues in pre-service teachers' identity construction. The participants were four students of the Bachelor's Degree in English Teaching at Universidad Católica Luis Amigó. The methodology implemented for this research study was a narrative inquiry. The data were collected in a virtual way through narratives, which were divided into three main categories: problems, impact, and strategies. As a result of this process, we found out that (1) familial coexistence issues that student teachers face daily have an impact in their teaching identity and professional life; (2) family problems influence both positively and negatively student teachers' identity construction; and (3) the strategies that pre-service teachers apply in order to face their family problems can positively influence their teaching identity and professional life. Finally, we draw some conclusions about the influence of this research project in the teaching identity field and also make make recommendations about how to approach future research on this topic.Item The utilitarian view of english language and pre-service teachers’ practices(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2020) Cuesta Arango, Laura Alejandra; Monsalve Cataño, Darlyn Andrea; Ospina Franco, Alejandra; Zuluaga Calderón, Juliana; Peláez, OscarHaving as a central interest the instrumentalization of the language, this study investigates how an utilitarian view of the language permeates the practices of some pre-service teachers of in Colombia, as well as the effects that this situation can cause in the teachers development of their role as policy makers as well as social agents. This study is contributing to the field of language policy in the country and can also be taken as a reference for studies made abroad, allowing teachers and different educational actors to appreciate the challenges that other teachers may face before becoming professionals of the English teaching.Item Pre-service teachers’ construction of identity as writers through collaborative writing strategies in an academic discourse class(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2020) Giraldo Vélez, Juan Felipe; Hernández Gómez, Juan Guillermo; Abad Olaya, José VicenteThis project aimed to determine the influence of Collaborative Academic Writing Strategies (CAWS) employed in an academic discourse class on the identity construction of a group of pre-service teachers as writers. To gather the necessary data for this study, two different techniques were applied: an observation of three groups in class and a semi-structured interview applied to two participants of the course. To analyze the data, researchers employed the following categories: (1) influence of writers' self-assessment on collaborative writing, (2) motivation to improve their collaborative writing skills, (3) the benefits of collaborative writing in the academic discourse class. The results showed that during the research the participants experienced motivation to work in collaboration with their groups, in which they delegated different tasks to contribute to collaborative writing and teamwork. The CAWS helped pre-service English teachers overcome frustration in their identity construction as writers. Furthermore, the participants expressed good feelings towards academic writing and appreciation for collaborative writing in the academic discourse class.Item The influence of critical pedagogy practices in the classroom from English as a Foreign Language teaching(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2023) Buyucué Tobón , María Alejandra; Cuartas Orrego , Andrés Roberto; Arias Vera, Jonathan; Lopera Bedoya, Leslie JulianaThis qualitative research analyzes the influence of critical pedagogy practices in the classroom from EFL teaching in a private school in Medellin. The methodology selected was action research, whereby we created a three-cycle action plan to implement in a specific group with 25 female students from eighth grade in a private school in the city of Medellín. A Reflective Journal was conducted as the first data collection technique, second, a focus group was held, recorded, and then transcribed for analysis purposes. The data was analyzed carefully including a matrix to track the progress. Major results indicate that students developed English language proficiency through the implementation of specific Critical Pedagogy Practices, also a communicative environment was promoted where students achieved fluency and confidence. Besides, the students realized themselves as individuals of change by fostering their critical thinking skills. In addition, they got empowered by assuming a more active role, understanding the importance of contributing, proposing, and providing their own constructions. Finally, meaningful learning occurred since they internalized and made use of the knowledge and reflections. This study concluded that critical practices used in EFL teaching influence linguistic enhancement and the development of critical thinkingItem Grouping teaching strategies to develop time investment associated with gender behavior within the English class(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2022) Álvarez Rojas, Cindy Salomé; Suescún, ClaudiaGrouping strategies are teaching techniques that contribute to the development of a suitable learning environment. This paper explores the benefits of implementing grouping strategies in understanding gender behavior in an EFL teenage class. This technique improved students' engagement in class as well as their comprehension of gender in their classroom.Item Instrucción en Estrategias Metacognitivas y Escritura Colaborativa: La Conciencia Metacognitiva y la Calidad de la Escritura de Estudiantes de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2022) Arango Salazar, María Fernanda; Abad Olaya, José VicenteEste estudio de caso tuvo como objetivo analizar el impacto que tiene la Instrucción en Estrategias Metacognitivas (IEM) en el desarrollo de la conciencia metacognitiva y la calidad de la escritura colaborativa de estudiantes de undécimo grado. Participaron nueve estudiantes de un curso de escritura académica de siete semanas que incluyó seis lecciones de 90 minutos enmarcadas en la enseñanza de estrategias metacognitivas. Antes y después de la intervención pedagógica, se administró el Inventario de Conciencia Metacognitiva (ICM) y se aplicaron pruebas de escritura colaborativa derivadas del examen IELTS. Finalizado este proceso, se realizó un grupo focal con cuatro estudiantes y una entrevista con una estudiante. Los resultados mostraron que tras recibir la IEM las estudiantes mejoraron su vocabulario y cohesión en los ejercicios de escritura colaborativa. Además, desarrollaron ligeramente su conciencia y regulación metacognitiva, especialmente su conocimiento declarativo y sus habilidades de planificación y evaluación. Sin embargo, seis de las nueve estudiantes reportaron una disminución en habilidades metacognitivas tales como el conocimiento procedimental y la capacidad para monitorear la comprensión. Este artículo concluye con una apreciación del rol que juega la metacognición en los procesos de escritura académica, incluso de colaboración.Item Initiatives to improve the quality of teaching and learning of Non-English teachers in childhood education.(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2022) Correa Areiza , David; Zapata Montenegro, Yessika Fernanda; Castrillon Jaramillo, Juliana; Alzate Bedoya, Julian; Suescun Giraldo, Claudia MarcelaNon-English teachers in Colombia have very little tools to implement English classes with preschool children. This action research project intends to provide tools to these teachers in order to enhance their performance in this field and also connect preservice teacher’s knowledge to the experience Non-English teachers have.