Pre-service teachers’ construction of identity as writers through collaborative writing strategies in an academic discourse class
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Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
This project aimed to determine the influence of Collaborative Academic Writing Strategies (CAWS) employed in an academic discourse class on the identity construction of a group of pre-service teachers as writers. To gather the necessary data for this study, two different techniques were applied: an observation of three groups in class and a semi-structured interview applied to two participants of the course. To analyze the data, researchers employed the following categories: (1) influence of writers' self-assessment on collaborative writing, (2) motivation to improve their collaborative writing skills, (3) the benefits of collaborative writing in the academic discourse class. The results showed that during the research the participants experienced motivation to work in collaboration with their groups, in which they delegated different tasks to contribute to collaborative writing and teamwork. The CAWS helped pre-service English teachers overcome frustration in their identity construction as writers. Furthermore, the participants expressed good feelings towards academic writing and appreciation for collaborative writing in the academic discourse class.
Academic discourse, Collaborative writing strategies, Identity as writers, Pre-service teachers’ identity