Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras con énfasis en Inglés RE (Colección Restringida)


Recent Submissions

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    The influence of critical pedagogy practices in the classroom from English as a Foreign Language teaching
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2023) Buyucué Tobón , María Alejandra; Cuartas Orrego , Andrés Roberto; Arias Vera, Jonathan; Lopera Bedoya, Leslie Juliana
    This qualitative research analyzes the influence of critical pedagogy practices in the classroom from EFL teaching in a private school in Medellin. The methodology selected was action research, whereby we created a three-cycle action plan to implement in a specific group with 25 female students from eighth grade in a private school in the city of Medellín. A Reflective Journal was conducted as the first data collection technique, second, a focus group was held, recorded, and then transcribed for analysis purposes. The data was analyzed carefully including a matrix to track the progress. Major results indicate that students developed English language proficiency through the implementation of specific Critical Pedagogy Practices, also a communicative environment was promoted where students achieved fluency and confidence. Besides, the students realized themselves as individuals of change by fostering their critical thinking skills. In addition, they got empowered by assuming a more active role, understanding the importance of contributing, proposing, and providing their own constructions. Finally, meaningful learning occurred since they internalized and made use of the knowledge and reflections. This study concluded that critical practices used in EFL teaching influence linguistic enhancement and the development of critical thinking
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    Grouping teaching strategies to develop time investment associated with gender behavior within the English class
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2022) Álvarez Rojas, Cindy Salomé; Suescún, Claudia
    Grouping strategies are teaching techniques that contribute to the development of a suitable learning environment. This paper explores the benefits of implementing grouping strategies in understanding gender behavior in an EFL teenage class. This technique improved students' engagement in class as well as their comprehension of gender in their classroom.
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    Instrucción en Estrategias Metacognitivas y Escritura Colaborativa: La Conciencia Metacognitiva y la Calidad de la Escritura de Estudiantes de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2022) Arango Salazar, María Fernanda; Abad Olaya, José Vicente
    Este estudio de caso tuvo como objetivo analizar el impacto que tiene la Instrucción en Estrategias Metacognitivas (IEM) en el desarrollo de la conciencia metacognitiva y la calidad de la escritura colaborativa de estudiantes de undécimo grado. Participaron nueve estudiantes de un curso de escritura académica de siete semanas que incluyó seis lecciones de 90 minutos enmarcadas en la enseñanza de estrategias metacognitivas. Antes y después de la intervención pedagógica, se administró el Inventario de Conciencia Metacognitiva (ICM) y se aplicaron pruebas de escritura colaborativa derivadas del examen IELTS. Finalizado este proceso, se realizó un grupo focal con cuatro estudiantes y una entrevista con una estudiante. Los resultados mostraron que tras recibir la IEM las estudiantes mejoraron su vocabulario y cohesión en los ejercicios de escritura colaborativa. Además, desarrollaron ligeramente su conciencia y regulación metacognitiva, especialmente su conocimiento declarativo y sus habilidades de planificación y evaluación. Sin embargo, seis de las nueve estudiantes reportaron una disminución en habilidades metacognitivas tales como el conocimiento procedimental y la capacidad para monitorear la comprensión. Este artículo concluye con una apreciación del rol que juega la metacognición en los procesos de escritura académica, incluso de colaboración.
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    Initiatives to improve the quality of teaching and learning of Non-English teachers in childhood education.
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2022) Correa Areiza , David; Zapata Montenegro, Yessika Fernanda; Castrillon Jaramillo, Juliana; Alzate Bedoya, Julian; Suescun Giraldo, Claudia Marcela
    Non-English teachers in Colombia have very little tools to implement English classes with preschool children. This action research project intends to provide tools to these teachers in order to enhance their performance in this field and also connect preservice teacher’s knowledge to the experience Non-English teachers have.
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    The Implementation of the Strategy of Association Increases Students’ Participation in the English Class
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2022) Báez Restrepo , Jhon Alexander; González Hernández, Valentina; Suescún Giraldo , Claudia Marcela; Quiceno Sosa, Evelin
    Teachers are in constant search of new techniques and strategies to implement in their classroom; in order to generate students’ engagement or improve their lessons. This research study takes into account the strategy of association as a tool to increase students’ participation in the English class. It is fundamental to know that this proposal explores two types of associations. Association with pictures and association with a topic. Following this logic, this study was made as a qualitative research in order to understand how students are affected by everything that surrounds them before and after the implementation of this strategy.
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    Project work: Opportunity for young adults and pre-service teachers to develop intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligences.
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2022) , &; Whitaker Livingston, Solangy; López Londoño, Laura; Murillo Rodriguez, Eva Yurani; Suescun Giraldo, Claudia Marcela
    Intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence are two fundamental aspects for humans to start building social and academic relations within a learning environment. In addition, these two intelligences help to identify the different emotions such as fearness, anxiety, and insecurity among others that arise in an everyday English class that influences the perceptions of pre-service teachers and Young adults. This article evidences how through a project work and the guidance of one of the pre-service teachers that were also one of the researchers, the pre-service teachers (12 participants) and young adults from Universidad Católica Luis Amigó from the city of Medellín (16 participants) were able to work and construct confidence in themselves and in others. Also, the analysis of the data collected in the research shows that pre-service teachers and young adults are able to work on their self-validation and explore their inner potential to build their sociability through project work application.
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    The impact of incorporating local urban narratives to promote intercultural reading in the English class.
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2023) Machado Rodríguez, Brayan Manuel; Vélez Mesa, Andrés Felipe; Oróstegui Gómez, Dairo Hernán; Ochoa Arrieta, Sebastián Yual; Castrillón Ángel, Edison Ferney
    En esta investigación se analizan los impactos de la incorporación de las narrativas urbanas en el área de inglés y cómo esto favorece la promoción de la lectura intercultural por parte de los estudiantes de grado noveno de una institución privada de la ciudad de Medellín que construye un relato a partir de la experiencia, la aplicación y el análisis de las entrevistas, el grupo focal y una clase destinada a la lectura y a la creación de estas narrativas, todo enmarcado en la reflexión que estos elementos interculturales promueven en los estudiantes. Para ello, se consideran también los planteamientos que otros autores y otros estudios han realizado en relación con las narrativas urbanas como instrumento capaz de dinamizar en el lector aspectos como las identidades, lo intersubjetivo, el diálogo intercultural y la apropiación de la lengua, la cultura y la escritura más allá de lo hegemónico.
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    Reconfiguration of teachers’ identity from the implementation of inclusion policies
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2023) Hincapié Cadavid, Manuel Alejandro; Calle Mazo, Melissa; Gómez Hurtado, Katerine; Vicente Abad, José
    This research project is aimed to know how language teachers’ identity is reconfigured when facing the guidelines of inclusion policies. The participants were five language teachers from different contexts: three teachers from a private university and two from a public school. The methodology implemented for this research was a narrative inquiry. The data were collected face to face through a structured interview, which enquired into three main categories: teacher’s identity, inclusion policies and special educational needs. As a result of all of this process, we found out that (1) when facing SSEN (Students with Special Educational Needs), language teachers were moved by their humanity rather than by government guidelines; (2) though the participants were from different contexts, all of them had similar perceptions about the inclusion policies; and (3) there is a recognition of the inclusion policies among the participants; however, the adaptation processes they made of the law is based on what they could do with what they had. Finally, we set some conclusions about the influence of policies on language teachers’ identity and make some recommendations for future studies in the teaching identity field.
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    The English Conversation Club: Promoter of Colombian Cultural Diversity Knowledge Among Pre-service Teachers
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2023) Guzman Marulanda, Andres; Marulanda Arango, Santiago; Rios Colorado, Santiago; Morales Marin, Juan; Rodríguez Jaramillo, Diana Catalina; Castrillón Ángel, Edison Ferney
    Este trabajo presenta una investigación cualitativa auto-etnográfica, basada en el paradigma socio-crítico, que se desarrolló en un programa de enseñanza del idioma inglés en una universidad privada de la ciudad de Medellín. El propósito de este estudio fue promover el conocimiento de la diversidad cultural colombiana a través del uso de un club de conversación en inglés entre los profesores en formación. Para ello, se aplicaron tres técnicas de investigación. Los instrumentos utilizados para la recolección de datos fueron una autorreflexión, un club de conversación y un grupo focal. Estos instrumentos se llevaron a cabo para abordar, respectivamente, los siguientes objetivos específicos: identificar las nociones sobre la diversidad cultural colombiana entre los docentes en formación de una universidad privada de la ciudad de Medellín, aplicar un club de conversación en inglés sobre la diversidad cultural colombiana entre los docentes en formación de una universidad privada de la ciudad de Medellín y, por último, determinar el alcance del club de conversación en inglés desde las perspectivas de los docentes en formación sobre la diversidad cultural colombiana en su desarrollo profesional. La metodología elegida para analizar los datos fue la teoría fundamentada. Los principales hallazgos que se derivaron del análisis de los datos fueron: las nociones de los profesores en formación sobre la cultura colombiana ayudan a moldear tanto su praxis como su identidad profesional; el Club de Conversación de Inglés fomenta la conciencia y el conocimiento sobre la diversidad cultural colombiana a través del intercambio de opiniones, el Club de Conversación de Inglés es una actividad útil que promueve estrategias pedagógicas entre los profesores en formación para implementar los temas de la diversidad cultural colombiana en el aula.
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    Lessons from Integrating Humor in the English Classroom
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2023) Betancur Carvajal, Tomas; Ceballos Vargas, Natalia Andrea; Escobar Ramírez, Tatiana Andrea; Fernández Restrepo, Brandon; Gómez Correa, María Mercedes; Maturana Patarroyo, Liliana María
    Este estudio explora qué sucede con el pensamiento crítico cuando se integra el humor en el aula de inglés; su objetivo es evaluar los cambios en el pensamiento crítico cuando se utiliza el humor como elemento de una estrategia didáctica innovadora en un entorno virtual de aprendizaje. Desde la metodología de investigación acción docente, se pretende transformar las intervenciones didáctico-pedagógicas a partir de la mediación del humor. Asimismo, propiciar la apropiación de una postura a través de diversas situaciones sociales que los rodean. Entre los elementos más importantes de la investigación, prevalece el humor como elemento mediador diversificado a través de figuras literarias como el símil, la metáfora, la ironía, la sátira, etc.; así, el humor en el aula obedece a una connotación inmersa en una planificación de clase reflexiva e intencional desde el lenguaje como discurso y como ideología.
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    Students’ narratives related to knowledge others acquired during the Covid-19 pandemic.
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2023) Castaño Ramírez, Juan David; Arboleda Naranjo, Edisson; Agudelo Serna, Sebastián; Castrillón, Edisson
    Durante la pandemia la educación en Colombia tuvo que enfrentar grandes desafíos al tener que aplicar nuevos modelos pedagógicos con el fin dar continuidad a las clases, sin embargo, una vez superada la crisis causada por el Covid-19 y haber regresado a las clases cara a cara, quedan dudas sobre los conocimientos que lograron aprender los estudiantes a causa de los diferentes obstáculos que cada uno tuvo que enfrentar. Con este proyecto se busca identificar los conocimientos otros, que durante la pandemia los estudiantes que cursaban el quinto grado de primaria, obtuvieron durante la implementación de los modelos de enseñanza basados en el Blended Learning Approach en el desarrollo de las clases de inglés y cómo estos conocimientos influyen en su aprendizaje actual. El trabajo de campo se realizó a través de una investigación narrativa, con lo cual se busca entre las narraciones de los participantes sus propias percepciones acerca de sus conocimientos adquiridos durante ese periodo de tiempo bajo los nuevos modelos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Para la recolección de esas percepciones se aplicaron los instrumentos basados en un grupo focal, una narración dibujada y una entrevista individual, de esta manera lograr a través del diálogo y la expresión, obtener los puntos de vista que obtuvieron a raíz de sus propias vivencias. Entre los principales resultados, se puede destacar que los participantes coincidieron en que los conocimientos que estaban directamente relacionados a la materia inglés no fueron obtenidos según las intenciones de los docentes; por otro lado, destacaron que sí obtuvieron otros conocimientos a través de la implementación de las nuevas herramientas requeridas para la participación de las clases o la realización de las tareas asignadas por los docentes. La mayoría de los participantes expresaron que aunque no lograron obtener los conocimientos curriculares que correspondían a la materia, obtuvieron otros conocimientos que hoy en día usan para algunas actividades académicas.
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    Pre-service Teachers’ Experiences in a Diverse Classroom
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2023) Benjumea Franco, Karen Valeria; Aguirre Alzate, Maria Paula; Sánchez Gil, María Alejandra; Maturana Patarroyo, Liliana Maria
    Teaching English based on inclusion and peace has become a necessity in Colombian educational contexts which are characterized for being diverse and heterogeneous; however, most of students do not accept the diversity inside the classroom. This qualitative research describes the use of different inclusive English teaching strategies that help to generate peaceful educational environments. We analyze students’ interactions and academic products at a private school in Medellín. Grouping strategies and problem-based learning, promoting students' awareness of their context were implemented to embrace inclusion and problem solving inside the classroom. This study exposes the importance to contextualize planning and adapt English teaching strategies to respond to students’ necessities, it generates dialogue and negotiation as important elements that students used to include their classmates and foster a peaceful educational environment. Keywords: inclusion, English teaching strategies, peaceful educational environments, grouping strategies, and problem-based learning.
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    Empathy-based teaching strategies effects within the English classroom
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2023) Buriticá Rincón, Miguel Ángel; Maturana Patarroyo, Liliana Maria
    This paper reports a qualitative research that explored empathy-based teaching strategies in an English class at a private university in Medellín, Colombia to three students who work as coordinators and a pre-service teacher. The research asks the question: What effects do empathy-based teaching strategies have on students and the teacher? With a focus on a socio-critic paradigm to change both students and teachers practices inside and outside the classroom. The results of data analysis and reflection on these practices through observation and semi-structured interviews indicate an improvement in student engagement and motivation, as well as teachers' planning based on student needs. This suggests a positive development of students and teachers identities by making them more receptive to English learning and teaching.
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    Pre-Service Teacher Experience in Curricular Appropriation
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2023) Moscoso Giraldo, Luna; Maturana Patarroyo, Liliana María
    Lesson plans in educational institutions are created according to the curriculum of each one of them, but this articulation between planning and curriculum is not always evident; In this study, the teacher-researcher used curricular appropriation to try to bridge the gap between them. This research aims to describe the actions taken by a pre-service teacher-researcher to appropriate the curriculum. Framed in the principles of the socio-critic paradigm and the teaching action-research methodology, this qualitative research used document analysis to collect information on the curricular elements of a private bilingual school in Medellín. It was also essential for the process to collect information from the teacher-researcher through strategies such as inquiring, reflexivity, and reflection. To carry out the process, 3 stages of curricular appropriation were created: (a) Facing the tree, (b) Resignifying the tree and (c) Harvesting; these, additionally, were used to analyze the data. After developing each of the stages by the teacher-researcher, the curricular appropriation process ended up with 8 concepts that were understood as those pillars in which a lesson plan of that context should be framed. The results indicate that, to a large extent, curricular appropriation entails transforming actions, which are what lead the teacher to understand curricular appropriation through praxis.
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    Digital Literacy Acquisition and Its Application in Face-To-Face Classes in a Private University of Medellin
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2023) Ospina Parra, Juan David; Cordoba Santos, Jennifer Paola; Montes Botero, Oscar David; Nieves Treco, Isabel Cristina; Villegas Alvarez , Natalia; Castrillón Ángel, Edison Ferney
    This research presents the different stages of digital literacy acquisition (digital tools and skills) that teachers belonging to the English program of a private university in Medellín experienced during the confinement due to the Covid 19 pandemic in the year 2020. It also presents the different challenges that they faced in hybrid education (remote and face-to-face) in 2021, and most importantly, it shows how those teachers are using or not the acquired digital literacy in their face-to-face lessons in the current year 2022. In addition, this research was carried out to help teachers reflect on the importance of the use of digital literacy since their students and society is immersed in technology.
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    “The Greater the Disposition, The Closer to Collaboration”: English Teaching Strategies Mediated by Music Enhance a Positive and Collaborative Learning Environment
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2023) Pacheco Pedrozo , Deborah; David Manco, Dawin Argenis; Maturana Patarroyo, Liliana María
    A notable tendency is perceived in English teachers attached to formal education in Colombia in terms of planning their classes based on grammar, avoiding or dodging innovative solutions that respond to the student's context (Echeverri Sucerquia & Sierra Piedrahíta, 2019). Due to this, the Ministry of National Education [MEN] has proposed English teaching strategies to motivate and support their action, despite the reluctance to change (Díaz Laínes & Santana Sanabria, 2020), these awareness processes. The present study aimed to examine the implementation of English teaching strategies mediated by music to create a positive and collaborative learning environment to improve teachers' didactics. To accomplish this purpose, qualitative research standards were adopted, and a niche population that belongs to a private educational institution in Medellín, Colombia was chosen. The data were analyzed through an inductive and deductive process dividing the information into codes and categories. Results indicated that the introduction of music helped to manage time activities and positively stimulate students’ behavior, turning it into a powerful teaching strategy that contributed to boosting students' class disposition favoring the creation of a positive learning environment, and concordant to this it was evidenced that, the greater the disposition, the closer to collaboration. The conclusion is that the music-mediated teaching strategies, based on needs, helped to create positive learning environments that were pleasant and stimulating for the students. The teaching strategies mediated by music also led to the development of collaborative learning, indicating that students assume roles and responsibilities when they work in groups, resulting in meaningful interactions that generate new knowledge.
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