Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras con enfasis en Inglés CU (Colección Custodia)

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    How does the video game DETROIT: Become Human contribute to the critical literacy of eleventh grade students at public school?
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2024) Aldana Contreras, Andrés Felipe; Chalarca Taborda, Gustavo Adolfo; Peláez Colorado, Oscar Alonso; Fuentes Morys, Andrés Felipe; Mora Ceballos, Emanuel; Gómez Betancur, Martha Inez
    Hoy, en el mundo globalizado, es fundamental aprender un segundo idioma (L2), más específicamente el inglés. Sin embargo, es difícil enseñar lectura crítica en L2. Este estudio examina el potencial del videojuego Detroit: Para desarrollar el letramento crítico en inglés, comienza a ser humano. Además, el juego crea un entorno inmersivo pero atractivo para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de idiomas, y a través de estas ricas oportunidades de análisis y reflexión, actúa como un catalizador para la interacción social. Además, las limitaciones incluyen posibles distraciones, contenido maduro y, aunque prometedor, puede no estar a la altura de ese potencial. Además, con base en las teorías de lectura crítica, sociocultural y transaccional, este enfoque demuestra que los videojuegos pueden usarse para crear habilidades de lectura basadas en la crítica, superando las brechas lingüísticas y culturales. En este estudio, Detroit: Being Human ayudó a promover el letramiento crítico y a aumentar las capacidades lingüísticas y culturales de los alumnos.
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    How Traditional Games Based Strategies enhance English as Foreign Language Teaching in Classroom Management in university students?
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2024) Londoño Villa, Juan Pablo; Gómez Betancur, Martha Inés
    Esta investigación cualitativa, basada en la acción participativa, involucró a veinte estudiantes universitarios que participaron en tres lecciones divididas en cuatro clases. El estudio utilizó juegos tradicionales para la gestión del aula en cursos universitarios de inglés, creando un ambiente dinámico de aprendizaje para estudiantes adultos y promoviendo habilidades colaborativas y adquisición de vocabulario. Los juegos favorecieron la interacción, la gestión de actividades, la motivación y el disfrute en el aprendizaje. Los datos obtenidos de dos videos mostraron que los juegos mejoraron la preparación, el desarrollo y el enganche de las clases, optimizando la gestión del tiempo y la motivación. Los resultados sugieren que los juegos tradicionales podrían impactar significativamente en la gestión del aula en otros entornos universitarios, especialmente en Medellín o contextos similares.
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    How do critical reading strategies foster language acquisition
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigo, 2024) Gómez Velásquez , Viviana María; Castañeda Machuca, Jorge Eliecer; Henao Monsalve, Miguel Ángel; Gómez Betancur, Martha Inés;
    Este artículo presenta un estudio de investigación-acción sobre estrategias de lectura para fomentar la adquisición del idioma en una institución pública de enseñanza secundaria. Este estudio pretende reconocer cómo se puede fomentar la lectura crítica a través de estrategias de lectura para favorecer el proceso de adquisición del lenguaje en inglés como lengua extranjera. Esta investigación cualitativa enmarca un proceso de intervención basado en la investigación-acción para describir el proceso de desarrollo de la lectura crítica a través de estrategias de lectura. Los datos se recopilaron mediante pruebas previas y posteriores, planes de clase, observaciones de los participantes y entrevistas. Los resultados evidenciaron que las estrategias de lectura permiten a los estudiantes comprender textos, incrementar la adquisición del lenguaje y favorecer la visión crítica. En conclusión, en las aulas la implementación de estrategias de lectura permite a los estudiantes aumentar la capacidad de comprensión lectora y adquirir habilidades lingüísticas.
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    The Impact of Learning English as a Foreign Language Through Games, Dances, and Songs on the Development of Social Skills in Preschool Students
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2024-11) Arenas Pinto, María Isabel; Gómez Betancur, Martha Inés
    El propósito de esta investigación es analizar cómo la aplicación de juegos, bailes y canciones en la enseñanza del inglés influye en el desarrollo de las habilidades sociales de los estudiantes. A través de un enfoque cualitativo, analizamos las experiencias y percepciones de los estudiantes al participar en actividades grupales que integran estrategias de movimiento musical y rítmico, destacando su papel en la construcción de la identidad. Los resultados revelan que estas actividades no solo fomentan la inclusión y la apreciación de la diversidad en un entorno de aprendizaje heterogéneo, sino que también mejoran significativamente la expresión y regulación emocional y social de los estudiantes. Los juegos, bailes y materiales visuales utilizados en las clases ayudan a los estudiantes a reconocer y gestionar sus emociones, así como las de sus compañeros, promoviendo una mayor inteligencia emocional y desarrollando habilidades sociales como turnarse, compartir, ayudar, escuchar y expresar verbalmente los sentimientos. Además, la investigación destaca la importancia de las actividades colaborativas en la formación de habilidades sociales. Los estudiantes desarrollan habilidades esenciales como la cooperación, el trabajo en grupo y el respeto por las perspectivas de los demás, aspectos cruciales para su desarrollo personal y académico como estudiantes de preescolar. Finalmente, se destaca el impacto positivo en las habilidades comunicativas. La interacción en inglés a través de la música y el canto permite a los estudiantes practicar y mejorar su vocabulario y desarrollar habilidades orales y de escucha, como hablar y escuchar. Esto aumenta su confianza en la comunicación y facilita la formación de relaciones sociales efectivas, lo cual es esencial para establecer relaciones sociales.
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    Influence of Students’ Beliefs about English as Foreign Language Learning at Colegio Pablo VI in Medellín
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2024-11) Gómez Vásquez, Jimena; García Salinas, Eder Antonio; Arias Gómez, Daniel Fernando; Gómez Betancur, Martha Inés
    Este estudo de caso teve como objetivo analisar como as crenças dos alunos estão participando do processo de aprendizagem do inglês como língua estrangeira em seu contexto e as implicações dessas crenças durante a aquisição do idioma por meio do reconhecimento das limitações encontradas por eles na sala de aula de língua estrangeira, utilizando um método qualitativo. Portanto, esta investigação concentrou-se nas percepções de três alunos selecionados de uma amostra de dez, com base em sua etnia, estratos socioeconômicos, gênero e idade, para responder a uma entrevista que produziu três descobertas principais relacionadas principalmente ao uso instrumental do idioma, à mentalidade e à disposição dos alunos para aprendê-lo, bem como aos aspectos mais desafiadores de seu processo de aprendizagem. Os dados coletados mostraram que a principal crença dos alunos girava em torno da percepção do inglês como um idioma capaz de melhorar suas perspectivas de vida por meio da obtenção de benefícios em futuras oportunidades de emprego ou desenvolvimento profissional, juntamente com a conexão do processo cognitivo com sua vontade de aprender o idioma e os desafios relacionados ao domínio das regras e estruturas gramaticais, que estão intimamente ligados ao método de instrução gramatical explícita usado nas aulas de inglês. Assim, conclui-se que compreender os fatores motivacionais, as crenças e as percepções dos alunos são fundamentais para a construção de experiências significativas na sala de aula de língua estrangeira, ao mesmo tempo em que se analisa a estratégia de ensino utilizada e seus efeitos sobre os processos de aprendizagem, para reelaborar ou reconsiderar as práticas educacionais a fim de atender às necessidades e percepções dos alunos. Palavras-chave: Crenças dos alunos, percepções de aprendizado de idiomas, aprendizado contextualizado, inglês como língua estrangeira, aprendizado de idiomas.
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    Impact of Video Games on English Vocabulary Acquisition and Retention
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2024-11) Ruíz Ucros, Andrés Felipe; Salazar Lara, Valentina; Sánchez Vásquez, Karen Julieth; Carmona Martínez, Leonardo; Gomez Betancur, Martha Inés; ,
    Este estudio analizó cómo la retención de vocabulario se ve afectada por el uso de videojuegos en inglés entre estudiantes de 13 a 14 años de edad de Juan María Céspedes, una escuela pública en Medellín, Colombia. Debido a la creciente relevancia del aprendizaje del inglés y su uso en aspectos de la vida, esta institución educativa ha establecido el objetivo de convertirse en la primera escuela pública bilingüe de la ciudad. Por lo tanto, este estudio empleó una metodología de investigación cualitativa y los datos se obtuvieron a través de un pre - posttests y una entrevista semiestructurada, mostrando que la exposición a videojuegos educativos en inglés puede mejorar la retención del vocabulario. Al aplicar esta investigación, el proyecto contribuye a una comprensión más profunda del papel de los videojuegos en el aula con respecto a la retención y adquisición de vocabulario.
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    Promoting English reading skills through video games: A case study
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2024) Manco García, Harrison; Santa Rodriguez, German Steven; Edison Ferney Castrillón Ángel, Edison Ferney
    The concept of video games has been explored as an entertainment object. However, in recent years, various authors have explored video games' potential in teaching. This research was implemented using an interpretive methodology based on a case study with a population of six students from a public school in the city of Bello. We found the scope of video games and how they promote reading habits from the interviews, workshop records, and questionnaires. Due to the implementation, we confirmed various perspectives on video games and the limitations that exist for an eventual implementation in the Colombian context. Likewise, although video games benefit interaction with reading content, they must be implemented with an educational purpose and according to the students' interests. Finally, this research explores the various perspectives that the participants had regarding the effectiveness of video games in promoting reading habits in a second language, based on the interaction with the video game Life is Strange.
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    The role of English teachers in creating learning environments for preschoolers.
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2024) Colorado Zapata, Liseth Dirlay; Castrillón Ángel, Edison Ferney
    This study explores how learning environments can promote English oral interaction in early education settings, focusing on the context of preschool grades. Employing documentary analysis. Several case studies from different countries of America were examined alongside insights from theorists like Vygotsky (1978, 2007), Montessori (1949, 2013, 2021) , Krashen (1998, 2019), and Reggio Emilia (2006,2019). Teaching practices and strategies were analyzed to address the research question: How can learning environments facilitate English oral interaction among preschoolers? Findings revealed the crucial role of teachers in creating supportive environments and the significance of tailored spaces and materials for language instruction. Strategies such as dialogue-based activities and language- rich environments were identified as effective in promoting oral interaction. However, limitations included the lack of specific language policies for preschool education in Colombia, and recommendations for future research advocates for empirical studies to validate teaching strategies and explore the impact of technology. Overall, the study underscores the importance of creating conducive learning environments to foster preschoolers' language acquisition and social development.
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    Comics and Manga to Promote EFL Literacy Strategies with 6th-grade Students
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2024-05-11) Gonzalez Villada, Manuela; Ospino Vengoechea, Jeniffer; Carvajal Castrillón, Katherin; Agudelo Hernandez, Juan Andres; Castrillón Ángel, Edison Ferney
    One of the main ways to develop literacy skills in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms is through textbooks, novels, tales, or guidebooks. However, today literature is being neglected in the learning process, where students have been experiencing difficulties, both in developing these skills and in their interest in learning. For this reason, the purpose of this research was to recognize the promotion of comics and manga as a literacy practice of English as a foreign language with 6th-grade students of a school in the city of Medellín through the implementation of a workshop where Students had to receive advice to design their own comics and mangas. Some of the aspects that were discovered were that the visual factor facilitates the understanding of texts, through which educators can create bridges that facilitate meaningful learning experiences. Finally, it was concluded that resources such as manga and comics allow both teachers and students to benefit from literature since different and contemporary perspectives are proposed. However, given the unconventional nature of comics and manga in educational settings, it is advisable to have printed sections easily accessible or displayed.
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    The use of games to engage elementary students with ADHD during English learning process
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2022) López Maya , Tatiana; Estrada Ríos, Laura Carolina; Quiceno Sosa, Evelin Cristina; Suescún Giraldo, Claudia Marcela
    The purpose of the research is to investigate how the teachers of the Marco Fidel Suárez Educational Institution implement the use of games and didactic materials in their teaching practices to help students feel included, and achieve significant learning, evidencing said achievements from their orientation to through different strategies. implemented in classes. This study provides background on the use of games and teaching materials in the classroom and explores student outcome responses to teaching practices. The research was carried out under a qualitative approach. This research is based on socialist construction. The analysis of the data allowed us to observe the lack of didactic material to be used during the development of the classes and the lack of training of the teachers in the population with special educational needs, specifically in children with ADHD.
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    Games in EFL classrooms: developing oral skills in English and promoting multiple intelligences.
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2022) Medina Atencia , María Isabel; Tobón Díaz , Vanessa; Muñoz Ciro , Angie Juliana; Sescun Giraldo, Claudia Marcela
    The purpose of this research paper is to mention some thoughts that teachers have about the use of the game as a didactic teaching tool for English. That said, the document seeks to provide a solution to teachers where they are shown that the game is effective in oral production in teaching English. Considering these elements, this paper is a qualitative research based on narrative analysis methods that have taken place in El Bagre, Antioquia. First, mention the data gathered obtained from an interview about the different conceptions that teachers have about games from their own experiences. Second, a focus group was developed to apply games as a didactic-pedagogical strategy in teaching practice. The result showed that games have different educational purposes in teaching-learning a second language. However, the finding suggests the inadequate use that teachers give to games as a strategy.In light of these aspects, for future research it is recommended to continue promoting the implementation of games in classrooms and the curriculum, in order to keep transforming the educational reality.
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    Balancing the Linguistic Consequences of Immersive English Environments with Elementary Learners
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2023) Giraldo Gómez, Jorge Andrés; Pabón Garcia, Marinessa; Escobar Puerta, Paola Andrea; Castrillón Ángel, Edison Ferney
    This study analyzed the effects of constant exposure to English as a foreign language on developing Spanish as the first language in elementary school students. This research was oriented from a historical hermeneutical paradigm, using a qualitative approach and a narrative inquiry. The study involved English language, Spanish language, and pedagogical support teachers who examined students’ bilingual learning experiences. The researchers applied for data collection techniques: an observation guide, an open-ended survey, a semi-structured interview, and a questionnaire to highlight the importance of a balanced approach to language education that values and supports the development of first and foreign languages. This integrated perspective was vital for ensuring students can effectively get along the complex landscape of learning languages while preserving their personal, linguistic, and cultural identities.
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    Understanding Ninth-Grade Students' Perceptions of English Language Learning Regarding Teaching Methods
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2023) Ochoa Orozco, Carlos Mario; Castrillón Angel , Edison Ferney
    This study aims to analyze the perceptions of ninth-grade students from a private school in Medellín about the teaching methods used in their English as a foreign language classes. Its main objective was to discover how students perceive and value teaching methods and how they contribute to their learning process. Hence, the qualitative research implemented a hermeneutic-phenomenological approach to the data through a questionnaire, focus group sessions, and reflective text results that highlight the need to adapt teaching methods to students' preferences, as well as the fundamental role that families have in promoting motivation, and commitment during the learning process. These results contribute to a deeper understanding of effective teaching strategies in a foreign language classroom.
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    Students' perceptions concerning the English learning process mediated by e-learning modality
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2023) Román Duarte, Santiago; Marín Beltran, Jose Henry; López Marriaga, Jhonatan Alexis; Cárdenas Rodriguez, Michael Stiven; Castrillón Ángel, Edison Ferney
    This research aims to analyze how primary school students perceived the English learning process mediated by e-learning modality since pandemic times. It is conducted under a qualitative approach focused on the hermeneutical historical paradigm and was developed with a narrative case study as methodology. This study shows the positive and negative perceptions from students based on their experiences throughout the e-learning modality, being notable the difficulties during the transition and adaptation to education mediated by digital devices. This research also found that despite there were few advances in English learning as a subject, it was possible to recognize that new digital learnings emerged as a result of the continued use of different digital tools and technological platforms.
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    Critical Literacy as a Means to Promote Diversity in the English Classroom
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2023) Zuluaga Bedoya, María Alejandra; Zapata Villegas, Sebastián; Álvarez Parra, Maria Paula; Castrillón Ángel, Edison Ferney
    The study aims at implementing critical literacy in the English classroom as a means to promote diversity. Critical literacy allows people to gain diverse perspectives from the only ones they already know, raise awareness about social problems, and develop critical thinking. In order to foster diversity in the English classroom with eighth graders, the research also aims to broaden students ́ perceptions and ideas through critical literacy. Taking the case study as a research technique for analyzing and exploring our context, we applied three different instruments to gather information and recognize how perceptions concerning diversity and inclusion can be transformed from a critical point of view, using critical literacy as a means to provide the starting point towards self-reflection. This study demonstrates significant changes in the students´ initial perceptions of diversity that respond to the general objective that guided our research.
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    Reconfiguration of teachers’ identity from the implementation of inclusion policies
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2023) Hincapié Cadavid, Manuel Alejandro; Calle Mazo, Melissa; Gómez Hurtado, Katerine; Vicente Abad, José
    This research project is aimed at knowing how language teachers’ identities are reconfigured when facing the guidelines of inclusion policies. The participants were five language teachers from different contexts: three teachers from a private university and two from a public school. The methodology implemented for this research was a narrative inquiry. The data were collected face to face through a structured interview, which inquired into three main categories: teacher’s identity, inclusion policies and special educational needs. As a result of all of this process, we found out that (1) when facing SSEN (Students with Special Educational Needs), language teachers were moved by their humanity rather than by government guidelines; (2) though the participants were from different contexts, all of them had similar perceptions about the inclusion policies; and (3) there is a recognition of the inclusion policies among the participants; however, the adaptation processes they made of the law are based on what they could do with what they had. Finally, we draw some conclusions about the influence of policies on language teachers’ identities and make some recommendations for future studies in the teaching identity field.
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    The Role of Self-Efficacy Within the Teacher Identity Crisis of Three Student-Teachers of English from a Private University in Medellín
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2023) Jiménez Grajales, Geraldine; Guisao Bohorquez, Keren Hapuc; Arias Torres, Mariana; Lopera Bedoya, Leslie Juliana
    This co-constructed auto-ethnography analyzes the role of self-efficacy within our teacher identity crisis. We are three female student-teachers of a bachelor degree in English teaching from a private university in Medellín, Colombia. One of us is an in-service teacher who works at a private language center, and the two pre-service teachers developed their practicum at public schools. For our data collection techniques, we first conducted a collaborative witnessing through a semi-structured protocol for identifying our own perceptions about our self-efficacy with regard to our teaching performance. Subsequently, we aimed to gather our experiences about our teacher identity crisis and to establish the relationship between self-efficacy and teaching performance during the period of the crisis by conducting document analysis through three narratives. Lastly, we expected to contrast how the in-service teacher has experienced a teacher identity crisis in comparison to the student-teachers by using an in-depth interview following the semi-structured interview protocol. Our findings reveal that high levels of self-efficacy correspond to a stronger belief in our ability to teach effectively. Conversely, low self-efficacy leads to self-doubt and frustration, negatively affecting our teaching performance. It is also concluded that self-efficacy plays a crucial role in navigating and overcoming identity crises. We suggest student-teachers of English to focus on emotional intelligence to better manage their teacher identity crisis with greater ease.
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    The Impact of Extrinsic Neutrality on my Language Teaching Beliefs: An Autoethnographic Quest
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2023) Higuita Hoyos, Billy George; Lopera Bedoya, Leslie Juliana
    Esta autoetnografía, escrita como una búsqueda narrativa, analiza la forma en que la neutralidad extrínseca impacta mis creencias sobre la enseñanza de idiomas. Dos maestros en servicio y ocho maestros estudiantes (incluido yo mismo) participaron en este estudio mediante el desarrollo de tres técnicas. Primero, escribí una narración en la que identifiqué mis creencias sobre la enseñanza de idiomas; en segundo lugar, los dos docentes en servicio participaron en dos entrevistas semiestructuradas para describir las demandas de una institución pública sobre el papel de los docentes al presentar temas controversiales; y tercero, los siete maestros en formación participaron en un grupo focal para describir la forma en que diseñan y manejan las intervenciones en el aula teniendo en cuenta sus creencias sobre la enseñanza de idiomas y las demandas de neutralidad extrínseca. Los descubrimientos de esta búsqueda me mostraron que la neutralidad extrínseca no afecta mis creencias sobre la enseñanza de idiomas; en cambio, esas creencias ayudan a los maestros, como yo, a lidiar con la neutralidad extrínseca misma. También descubrí que el miedo y la represión con respecto a la profesión docente emergen en los futuros profesores cuando se enfrentan a la neutralidad extrínseca. Sugiero que los profesores se involucren en la discusión de temas controversiales con los estudiantes para evitar tanto la imparcialidad como una percepción de adoctrinamiento del contexto que los rodea.
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    Impact of english conversational clubs on students' speech anxiety in english clases
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2023) Garcés Mesa, Jasbleidy; Hernandez Vargas, Astrid Carolina; Castrillón Ángel, Edison Ferney
    This case study research aims to analyze how the implementation of English conversational clubs impacts the speech anxiety of English students, which is a barrier that prevents students from developing correct speaking skills in the process of English learning. The group of participants selected was made of 3 English students from a language center located in the municipality of Bello, Antioquia. The data collection techniques involved a conversation club inside a focus group, a semi-structured interview, and a journal. The results showed the important characteristics of the conversational clubs as a way to combat the students’ speech anxiety, how the English conversational club raised their awareness regarding the learning English process, besides, the multiple feelings and obstacles that interfered with when the students spoke in English. Therefore, we invite teachers to look deeper into conversational clubs and take them into consideration for future class planning or institutional curriculum as a strategy to improve oral production in English.
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    Language as ideology for the reflection on gender identity in a public school in Medellin.
    (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2023) Anillo Quintero, Cristian Andres; Murillo García , María Camila; Medrano Mejía , Sebastián; Gil Sepúlveda, Laura Valentina; Castrillón Ángel, Edison Ferney
    This research analyzes the perceptions of eleventh-grade students at a public school in the city of Medellín regarding elements such as gender identity and its influence on classroom interactions. Using qualitative techniques such as semi-structured interviews and open-ended surveys, the study reveals the impact of social and family beliefs on students' understanding of gender identity. The findings emphasize the importance of introducing inclusive conversations about gender identity in educational contexts, as students often encounter these concepts outside the school environment. The research highlights the crucial role of teachers in fostering understanding, acceptance, and respect among students. By encouraging informed discussions about gender identity, educators can establish a safe and welcoming environment in classrooms. These insights offer valuable guidance for designing more inclusive educational strategies and policies.