The Impact of Learning English as a Foreign Language Through Games, Dances, and Songs on the Development of Social Skills in Preschool Students
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Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
El propósito de esta investigación es analizar cómo la aplicación de juegos, bailes y canciones en la enseñanza del inglés influye en el desarrollo de las habilidades sociales de los estudiantes. A través de un enfoque cualitativo, analizamos las experiencias y percepciones de los estudiantes al participar en actividades grupales que integran estrategias de movimiento musical y rítmico, destacando su papel en la construcción de la identidad. Los resultados revelan que estas actividades no solo fomentan la inclusión y la apreciación de la diversidad en un entorno de aprendizaje heterogéneo, sino que también mejoran significativamente la expresión y regulación emocional y social de los estudiantes. Los juegos, bailes y materiales visuales utilizados en las clases ayudan a los estudiantes a reconocer y gestionar sus emociones, así como las de sus compañeros, promoviendo una mayor inteligencia emocional y desarrollando habilidades sociales como turnarse, compartir, ayudar, escuchar y expresar verbalmente los sentimientos. Además, la investigación destaca la importancia de las actividades colaborativas en la formación de habilidades sociales. Los estudiantes desarrollan habilidades esenciales como la cooperación, el trabajo en grupo y el respeto por las perspectivas de los demás, aspectos cruciales para su desarrollo personal y académico como estudiantes de preescolar. Finalmente, se destaca el impacto positivo en las habilidades comunicativas. La interacción en inglés a través de la música y el canto permite a los estudiantes practicar y mejorar su vocabulario y desarrollar habilidades orales y de escucha, como hablar y escuchar. Esto aumenta su confianza en la comunicación y facilita la formación de relaciones sociales efectivas, lo cual es esencial para establecer relaciones sociales.
The purpose of this research is to analyze how the application of games, dances, and songs in teaching English influences the development of students' social skills. Through a qualitative approach, we analyzed students' experiences and perceptions when participating in group activities that integrate musical and rhythmic movement strategies, highlighting their role in identity construction. The results reveal that these activities not only foster inclusion and appreciation of diversity in a heterogeneous learning environment but also significantly improve students' emotional and social expression and regulation. The games, dances, and visual materials used in the classes help students recognize and manage their emotions, as well as those of their peers, promoting greater emotional intelligence and developing social skills such as taking turns, sharing, helping, listening, and verbally expressing feelings. In addition, the research highlights the importance of collaborative activities in forming social skills. Students develop essential skills such as cooperation, group work and respect for others' perspectives, crucial aspects for their personal and academic development as preschool students. Finally, the positive impact on communication skills is highlighted. Interaction in English through music and singing allows students to practice and improve their vocabulary and develop oral and listening skills, such as speaking and listening. This increases their confidence in communication and facilitates the formation of effective social relationships, which is essential for establishing social relationships.
The purpose of this research is to analyze how the application of games, dances, and songs in teaching English influences the development of students' social skills. Through a qualitative approach, we analyzed students' experiences and perceptions when participating in group activities that integrate musical and rhythmic movement strategies, highlighting their role in identity construction. The results reveal that these activities not only foster inclusion and appreciation of diversity in a heterogeneous learning environment but also significantly improve students' emotional and social expression and regulation. The games, dances, and visual materials used in the classes help students recognize and manage their emotions, as well as those of their peers, promoting greater emotional intelligence and developing social skills such as taking turns, sharing, helping, listening, and verbally expressing feelings. In addition, the research highlights the importance of collaborative activities in forming social skills. Students develop essential skills such as cooperation, group work and respect for others' perspectives, crucial aspects for their personal and academic development as preschool students. Finally, the positive impact on communication skills is highlighted. Interaction in English through music and singing allows students to practice and improve their vocabulary and develop oral and listening skills, such as speaking and listening. This increases their confidence in communication and facilitates the formation of effective social relationships, which is essential for establishing social relationships.
Arenas Pinto, M. I. (2024). The Impact of Learning English as a Foreign Language Through Games, Dances, and Songs on the Development of Social Skills in Preschool Students [Trabajo de grado, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó]. Repositorio Institucional.