Conocimientos y estigmas en torno al VIH en Familias del Barrio el Paraíso en Montelíbano – Córdoba
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Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
El objetivo principal de esta investigación es analizar los conocimientos y estigmas de las familias del barrio el paraíso del municipio de Montelíbano - Córdoba, sobre lo que es vivir con un familiar que tiene el virus de VIH durante el año 2024. El estudio busca resaltar la importancia de la educación y la sensibilización en el ámbito familiar, ofreciendo información relevante para diseñar políticas y programas que mejoren la calidad de vida de quienes viven con VIH y sus seres queridos, el método utilizado en esta investigación se orientó desde un paradigma histórico hermenéutico, desde el enfoque cualitativo, el cual busca comprender cómo las familias construyen significados en torno al VIH, una enfermedad que está profundamente marcada por el estigma y la incomprensión social, así mismo el enfoque cualitativo permitió explorar de manera profunda las experiencias subjetivas y los significados que las personas atribuyen a esta situación, proporcionando una visión más completa y matizada de sus vivencias. Esta investigación realizada a las familias del barrio el paraíso de Montelíbano – Córdoba, tomó como muestra a ocho familias las cuales trabajaron sobre el imaginario sobre lo que es vivir con un familiar que tiene VIH, con la finalidad de conocer los conocimientos y estigmas que tienen las familias frente al virus, los instrumentos que se usaron para la recolección de la información fueron entrevista semiestructurada y mural de situaciones, El resultado del estudio evidenció un conocimiento limitado sobre el VIH en las familias del barrio el paraíso, aunque muchos identifican algunas formas de transmisión, pocos comprenden plenamente la enfermedad, lo que muestra un notable estigma asociado al VIH, alimentado por el miedo a la transmisión, creencias erróneas sobre sus causas y una percepción moralista, esto impacta no solo a las personas con VIH, sino también a sus familias, quienes temen las repercusiones sociales y emocionales del diagnóstico, conclusión; El estudio sobre conocimientos y estigmas del VIH en familias del barrio El Paraíso de Montelíbano evidencia desinformación, mitos y estigmatización vinculados al virus, aunque con cierto desarrollo de empatía y apoyo familiar, destaca la necesidad de estrategias educativas para combatir prejuicios y promover comprensión, considerando el impacto del contexto cultural y religioso. Estas acciones buscan mejorar las actitudes y la calidad de vida de quienes viven con VIH y sus familias.
The main objective of this research is to analyze the knowledge and stigmas of families in the El Paraíso neighborhood of the municipality of Montelíbano - Córdoba, about what it is like to live with a family member who has the HIV virus during the year 2024. The study seeks to highlight the importance of education and awareness in the family environment, offering relevant information to design policies and programs that improve the quality of life of those living with HIV and their loved ones, the method used in this research was oriented from a historical hermeneutic paradigm, from the qualitative approach, which seeks to understand how families construct meanings around HIV, a disease that is deeply marked by stigma and social misunderstanding. Likewise, the qualitative approach allowed us to explore in depth the subjective experiences and meanings that people attribute to this situation, providing a more complete and nuanced vision of their experiences. This research conducted in the families of the El Paraíso neighborhood of Montelíbano - Córdoba, took as a sample eight families who worked on the imaginary about what it is to live with a family member who has HIV, in order to know the knowledge and stigmas that the families have about the virus, the instruments used for the collection of information were semi-structured interview and mural of situations, The result of the study evidenced a limited knowledge about HIV in the families of the El Paraíso neighborhood, although many identify some forms of transmission, few fully understand the disease, which shows a remarkable stigma associated with HIV, fueled by fear of transmission, erroneous beliefs about its causes and a moralistic perception, this impacts not only people with HIV, but also their families, who fear the social and emotional repercussions of the diagnosis, conclusion; The study on knowledge and stigmas of HIV in families in the El Paraíso neighborhood of Montelíbano evidences misinformation, myths and stigmatization linked to the virus, although with some development of empathy and family support, highlights the need for educational strategies to combat prejudice and promote understanding, considering the impact of the cultural and religious context. These actions seek to improve the attitudes and quality of life of those living with HIV and their families.
The main objective of this research is to analyze the knowledge and stigmas of families in the El Paraíso neighborhood of the municipality of Montelíbano - Córdoba, about what it is like to live with a family member who has the HIV virus during the year 2024. The study seeks to highlight the importance of education and awareness in the family environment, offering relevant information to design policies and programs that improve the quality of life of those living with HIV and their loved ones, the method used in this research was oriented from a historical hermeneutic paradigm, from the qualitative approach, which seeks to understand how families construct meanings around HIV, a disease that is deeply marked by stigma and social misunderstanding. Likewise, the qualitative approach allowed us to explore in depth the subjective experiences and meanings that people attribute to this situation, providing a more complete and nuanced vision of their experiences. This research conducted in the families of the El Paraíso neighborhood of Montelíbano - Córdoba, took as a sample eight families who worked on the imaginary about what it is to live with a family member who has HIV, in order to know the knowledge and stigmas that the families have about the virus, the instruments used for the collection of information were semi-structured interview and mural of situations, The result of the study evidenced a limited knowledge about HIV in the families of the El Paraíso neighborhood, although many identify some forms of transmission, few fully understand the disease, which shows a remarkable stigma associated with HIV, fueled by fear of transmission, erroneous beliefs about its causes and a moralistic perception, this impacts not only people with HIV, but also their families, who fear the social and emotional repercussions of the diagnosis, conclusion; The study on knowledge and stigmas of HIV in families in the El Paraíso neighborhood of Montelíbano evidences misinformation, myths and stigmatization linked to the virus, although with some development of empathy and family support, highlights the need for educational strategies to combat prejudice and promote understanding, considering the impact of the cultural and religious context. These actions seek to improve the attitudes and quality of life of those living with HIV and their families.
Pastrana Naranjo, G, Benítez Pérez, G P, Pamplona Quintero, G Y, et al. (2024). Conocimientos y estigmas en torno al VIH en Familias del Barrio el Paraíso en Montelíbano – Córdoba [Trabajo de grado]. Repositorio Institucional Universidad Católica Luis Amigó.