Efectos emocionales del confinamiento por la covid-19 en niños y niñas de primera infancia
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Universidad Católica Luis Amigo.
Este artículo de reflexión es el resultado parcial de la investigación: “La pedagogía familiar como alternativa educativa en época de distanciamiento social”. Esta tiene por objetivo general: develar las estrategias familiares para asumir el acompañamiento educativo de los hijos en el hogar. La metodología de la que se parte es el paradigma interpretativo y la estrategia fue documental. Con respecto a los resultados, se describen las razones por las cuales aparecen síntomas emocionales en los niños y niñas durante la cuarentena; que preocupan a un niño o niña en época de pandemia, y en los responsables de garantizar la protección de la salud emocional de los niños y las niñas. La investigación arrojó como conclusiones: la capacidad de los niños y niñas para adaptarse a las situaciones; que son la familia y el Estado los responsables de garantizar la salud mental de los niños y niñas; y que la covid-19 trajo consigo la necesidad de atender al ser humano a partir de todas sus múltiples dimensiones.
This reflection article is the partial result of the research: “Family pedagogy as an educational alternative in times of social distancing”. Its general objective is to unveil family strategies to assume the educational support of the children at home. The methodology is based on the interpretive paradigm and the strategy was documentary. Regarding the results, the reasons for the appearance of emotional symptoms in children during quarantine are described; which are of concern to a child in times of a pandemic, and in those responsible for ensuring the protection of children’s emotional health. The research concluded that: the children’s capacity to adapt to situations; that the family and the State are responsible for guaranteeing children’s mental health; and that COVID-19 brought with it the need to care for the human being from all its multiple dimensions.
This reflection article is the partial result of the research: “Family pedagogy as an educational alternative in times of social distancing”. Its general objective is to unveil family strategies to assume the educational support of the children at home. The methodology is based on the interpretive paradigm and the strategy was documentary. Regarding the results, the reasons for the appearance of emotional symptoms in children during quarantine are described; which are of concern to a child in times of a pandemic, and in those responsible for ensuring the protection of children’s emotional health. The research concluded that: the children’s capacity to adapt to situations; that the family and the State are responsible for guaranteeing children’s mental health; and that COVID-19 brought with it the need to care for the human being from all its multiple dimensions.
Restrepo Segura, Y. C., Correa Pérez, L. F., Arroyave Taborda, L. M., et al. (2022). Efectos emocionales del confinamiento por la covid-19 en niños y niñas de primera infancia. Hallazgos, 19(38). https://doi.org/10.15332/2422409X.7683