Etnoeducación y Cátedra de Estudios Afrocolombianos como respuesta al racismo en el contexto escolar urbano de Medellín
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Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
Esta investigación doctoral develó los procesos de implementación y desarrollo de la Cátedra de Estudios Afrocolombianos (CEA) en las instituciones educativas oficiales de Medellín; a partir de la comprensión de la realidad del racismo que viven los sujetos descendientes de África y la invisibilidad de los saberes de la afrodescendencia en el contexto escolar. Para el desarrollo de la presente investigación se empleó el paradigma cualitativo, en esa línea, se buscó una aproximación a las prácticas educativas para desentrañar su sentido intercultural, descolonizador e incluyente de los saberes y de la presencia histórica de las personas de ascendencia africana en la escuela. El método aplicado a esta investigación fue el estudio de casos múltiples, que incluyó el análisis de hechos específicos y la recogida selectiva de información que condujo a la aprehensión del fenómeno objeto de la indagación. Esta investigación aportó elementos conceptuales para la comprensión de las relaciones entre los procesos de autorreconocimiento de los estudiantes afrocolombianos de los niveles de preescolar, básica y media con el desarrollo de la CEA. Se obtuvo como conclusión que la implementación de procesos etnoeducativos enmarcados en la CEA desde la estructura curricular de las instituciones educativas incide en el fortalecimiento de los procesos de autorreconocimiento étnico afro, en la erradicación del racismo escolar y en el establecimiento de relaciones interculturales. Palabras clave: autorreconocimiento, Cátedra de Estudios Afrocolombianos, etnoeducación, interculturalidad, racismo escolar.
This doctoral research revealed the implementation and development processes of the Chair of Afro-Colombian Studies (CEA) in the official educational institutions of Medellín; from the understanding of the reality of racism experienced by subjects of African descent and the invisibility of the knowledge of Afro-descendants in the school context. For the development of this research, the qualitative paradigm was used, along these lines, an approach to educational practices was sought to unravel its intercultural, decolonizing and inclusive meaning of the knowledge and historical presence of people of African descent in the school. The method applied to this research was the multiple case study, which included the analysis of specific events and the selective collection of information that led to the apprehension of the phenomenon under investigation. This research provided conceptual elements for the understanding of the relationships between the self-recognition processes of Afro-Colombian students at the preschool, basic and secondary levels with the development of CEA. The conclusion was obtained that the implementation of ethno-educational processes framed in the CEA from the curricular structure of educational institutions affects the strengthening of the processes of Afro ethnic self-recognition, the eradication of school racism and the establishment of intercultural relations. Keywords: Chair of Afro-Colombian Studies, ethnoeducation, interculturality, school racism, self-recognition.
This doctoral research revealed the implementation and development processes of the Chair of Afro-Colombian Studies (CEA) in the official educational institutions of Medellín; from the understanding of the reality of racism experienced by subjects of African descent and the invisibility of the knowledge of Afro-descendants in the school context. For the development of this research, the qualitative paradigm was used, along these lines, an approach to educational practices was sought to unravel its intercultural, decolonizing and inclusive meaning of the knowledge and historical presence of people of African descent in the school. The method applied to this research was the multiple case study, which included the analysis of specific events and the selective collection of information that led to the apprehension of the phenomenon under investigation. This research provided conceptual elements for the understanding of the relationships between the self-recognition processes of Afro-Colombian students at the preschool, basic and secondary levels with the development of CEA. The conclusion was obtained that the implementation of ethno-educational processes framed in the CEA from the curricular structure of educational institutions affects the strengthening of the processes of Afro ethnic self-recognition, the eradication of school racism and the establishment of intercultural relations. Keywords: Chair of Afro-Colombian Studies, ethnoeducation, interculturality, school racism, self-recognition.
Palabras clave
(Apellido, Nombre). (2023). Etnoeducación y Cátedra de Estudios Afrocolombianos como respuesta al racismo en el contexto escolar urbano de Medellín[Tesis doctoral, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó]. Repositorio.