Music as a tool for reading and writing processes in efl students

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Universidad Católica Luis Amigó


Nowadays teaching in EFL classrooms, has become a true challenge. Multiple of choices and strategies have been presented inside the EFL teaching, using music is very useful and works as a tool to change classroom methodology and environment. Music can be used in different ways inside the classroom, even for reading and writing practices. The objective of this project was to analyze the implications of using music as a strategy towards the English Reading and Writing processes. Not only identifying the different materials and resources related to music for reading and writing processes but also organizing and developing these strategies. Due to the research process we were able to propose eight different tasks that involve music for reading and writing skills development. Teachers must be in constant change in their teaching practices, if so, why not integrating music in the classroom as a learning tool? After all, music is part of our life. There is music everywhere, even a small bird singing up on a tree is making music. All of these elements serve as valid arguments to implement music in the classroom. It will be able to bring not only a learning strategy but also new ways to motivate students regarding English including reading and writing processes. Music does work as a tool for reading writing process, since using music and musical language can motivate and improve this processes, providing an alternative for teachers and promote the change and the opening to new approaches inside the classroom.



Music motivation, Strategies, Language learning, Reading and writing
