Teachers’ perceptions, beliefs and opinions about their competence for the integration of Technology

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Universidad Católica Luis Amigó


This research project aims to look into the perceptions, beliefs, opinions and attitudes of in-service and pre-service teachers about their experience integrating technology into educational settings. Qualitative research was implemented for this objective. This review takes a look into different studies that have been carried out in recent years that are centered in the same topic discussed. The findings consist in the perceptions, beliefs, opinions and attitudes pre-service and in-service teachers have built around technology use in the classroom as reported in previous research studies and personal narratives. That way, it is easier to define the contrast intended in the general objective and to draw conclusions based on the type of information that was collected, analyzed, and contrasted. Teachers should have opportunities in their training process to be prepared in order to face technology not only as a tool but going beyond as a pedagogical way. At the end, the findings and conclusions led to a discussion about the relation between pre-service and in-service teachers’ stances on technology integration.



Beliefs, Perceptions, Attitudes,, Opinions, Technology integrating, Teachers competences, Importance of technology
