Importance of reading comprehension to enhance critical digital literacy
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Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
Along the twenty-first century, English has become an essential language that allows globalization through different means of communication. Enhance Critical Digital Literacy requires the acquisition of reading comprehension. Thousands of texts are around us showing important aspects of our world. Within this research, it was used a digital reading platform as a digital tool which was support for participants to interact with digital books while demonstrating their habits to comprehend a text, their level of reading comprehension, and thus, how they work to develop or not their critical digital literacy by analyzing, questioning, and making proposals in their interaction with digital books. Interviews, mind maps, and focus groups were established as data collection instruments that helped to evidence that students from eight grade of a private school were struggling with factors such as lack of vocabulary, coherence, usage of proper grammar structures, and written and oral production. This is how from our results we noticed the necessity of meeting these previous steps in order to get knowledge of the language and to acquire reading comprehension and then critical digital literacy.
Critical Digital Literacy, Comprehensión, Reading, Digital plataform