Suescún Giraldo , Claudia MarcelaQuiceno Sosa, EvelinBáez Restrepo , Jhon AlexanderGonzález Hernández, Valentina2024-05-272024-05-272022 are in constant search of new techniques and strategies to implement in their classroom; in order to generate students’ engagement or improve their lessons. This research study takes into account the strategy of association as a tool to increase students’ participation in the English class. It is fundamental to know that this proposal explores two types of associations. Association with pictures and association with a topic. Following this logic, this study was made as a qualitative research in order to understand how students are affected by everything that surrounds them before and after the implementation of this strategy.28 p.eng strategyStudents’ motivationParticipationThe Implementation of the Strategy of Association Increases Students’ Participation in the English Class