Lopera Bedoya, Leslie JulianaPorras Ochoa, Juan EstebanMedina García, Ingred MarieOsorno Saldarriaga, Yuliana2024-11-162024-11-162024-05http://repository.ucatolicaluisamigo.edu.co/handle/20.500.14.531/4778This Co-Constructive Autoethnography research aimed at analyzing the way pre-service English teachers’ language proficiency influences their classroom management skills in the English teaching practice in a private and public school in Medellin. We, three pre-service English teachers, took the role of researchers and subjects of analysis. To carry out this research, we collected information through collaborative witnessing, observations as checklists and journals, and document analysis to identify our perceptions about our language proficiency, classroom management strategies, and students' responses, and reflect upon our classroom management skills and the actions taken to create an environment that leads to learning respectively. This data collection process was done during two semesters of practicum in two different schools. In light of our research, language proficiency, and classroom management are parallel and work together to have a successful English class avoiding frustration, fears, and anxiety. We recommend that as teachers evaluate self-efficacy to evolve in the mastery of our own language and classroom management.28 p.application/pdfenghttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/Co-constructive Autoethnographylanguage teachingClassroom managementTeachers language proficiencyProfessional developmentThree Stories, Three Perspectives: Are We Afraid of Being English Teachers? Co-Constructed Autoethnographyinfo:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccesshttp://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_7a1fAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC 4.0)a