Castrillón Ángel, Edison FerneyAnillo Quintero, Cristian AndresMurillo García , María CamilaMedrano Mejía , SebastiánGil Sepúlveda, Laura Valentina2024-05-022024-05-022023 research analyzes the perceptions of eleventh-grade students at a public school in the city of Medellín regarding elements such as gender identity and its influence on classroom interactions. Using qualitative techniques such as semi-structured interviews and open-ended surveys, the study reveals the impact of social and family beliefs on students' understanding of gender identity. The findings emphasize the importance of introducing inclusive conversations about gender identity in educational contexts, as students often encounter these concepts outside the school environment. The research highlights the crucial role of teachers in fostering understanding, acceptance, and respect among students. By encouraging informed discussions about gender identity, educators can establish a safe and welcoming environment in classrooms. These insights offer valuable guidance for designing more inclusive educational strategies and policies.15 p.eng, Gender Identity, Ideology, Perceptions.Language as ideology for the reflection on gender identity in a public school in Medellin.