Castrillón Ángel, Edison FerneyOspina Parra, Juan DavidCordoba Santos, Jennifer PaolaMontes Botero, Oscar DavidNieves Treco, Isabel CristinaVillegas Alvarez , Natalia2024-05-022024-05-022023 research presents the different stages of digital literacy acquisition (digital tools and skills) that teachers belonging to the English program of a private university in Medellín experienced during the confinement due to the Covid 19 pandemic in the year 2020. It also presents the different challenges that they faced in hybrid education (remote and face-to-face) in 2021, and most importantly, it shows how those teachers are using or not the acquired digital literacy in their face-to-face lessons in the current year 2022. In addition, this research was carried out to help teachers reflect on the importance of the use of digital literacy since their students and society is immersed in technology.16 p.engLiteracidad digitalProfesores de inglésEducación remotaEducación híbridaClases presencialesDigital Literacy Acquisition and Its Application in Face-To-Face Classes in a Private University of Medellin